quite abruptly, a Muslim woman in the food is called business: “These head cloths just want our money, so why are they even here? Get outta here!” Other customers are watching – and silence.

A chef calls out an employee because of his origin, the only “Taliban”. Eventually, the whole Team calls him that.

A woman complains about the “monkey children” of the neighbors and denounced the family with false accusations at the in-house management. What the landlord has terminated the contract. Only before the conciliation body, the expulsion is revoked due to Unfairness.

Three examples of racism in the Swiss daily, to read in the annual report 2019 of the Federal Commission against racism (EKR). Be registered only cases, the specialised counselling centres are reported. In the past year, there were 352. So many as never before.

“most reported,”

For ERK-President Martine Brunschwig Graf (70) is only the tip of the iceberg. “It is expected that the majority of racist incidents will be reported in Switzerland, anywhere, or edited,” says the former Geneva FDP national councillor.

Physical attacks, damage to property, verbal abuse, bullying, slander, or Racial Profiling: racism and discrimination have many forms. In addition to a General xenophobia, the PFC registers, mainly racism against Blacks (132 cases). Place of hostility against Muslims (55) follows.

incidents with extreme Right-wing have increased

And also incidents with extreme right-wing Background have increased in 2019 for the first time clearly. “As the events abroad show, needs to be taken this trend seriously and should not be underestimated,” says Brunschwig Graf.

racism is everywhere. Most of the cases are registered in a public space (62 cases) and the workplace (50). Often, the neighborhood (43), school (39) or the administration (37) will be called.

For Brunschwig Graf, the Numbers show one thing clear above all: The cantons need to increase the financial resources for the fight against racial discrimination and the Advisory services continue to expand.

racism ugh …

however, Mr and Mrs Swiss are anything other than racist. At least if you ask them directly. Two years ago, the Federal office for statistics conducted a survey on life in Switzerland. Over half of the respondents (55 %) found that the Integration of migrants working good to very good. Foreigners are for the economy and the financing of social works, said 64 percent.

racism is also perceived as a “serious social” Problem. Around 59 percent of the respondents answered Yes to the appropriate question. And support the demand of Brunschwig Graf: That the Federal government, the cantons and the municipalities should engage more in the fight against racism.

… racism hui

But there is another side to it. In 2018, 34 percent of the population felt by the presence of people who are perceived due to their nationality, Religion or skin color as “different”, “disturbed”, it says in the report. Of these, 34 percent more than one in five of annoyed. Skin colour and nationality only,” the seven percent interfere “. However, around 200’000 people.

As racism is enshrined in Switzerland, show the “individual cases”: Schwyzer Work, the carry out dressed as a Ku-Klux-Klan with a torch procession, and the Basel fasnacht clique Negro-Rhygass, the omitted after criticism on your Logo, the name of but keeps. Or politicians such as the SVP national councillor Jean-Luc Addor (56), who was convicted of racial discrimination, would have to fear no sanctions – Addor sitting still in the national Council and representing the people. Their cases came to the Public, many of the hidden further stay.