There was a fire, it rushed. The Corona-aid of the Federal government, there were about quickly and efficiently – and with a big leap of faith. Jealous of the foreign countries look to the Swiss Bridging loans. There is a lot of applause for the pragmatism of the Swiss.

Now, a first Canton-balance sheet: shows The Corona Covid19 loans are utilized by some of the shameless! You abuse the help, the desperate companies and the smaller traders by the Lockdown, and the recession is to help.

Some of the culprits have already been caught. False information on official request forms or multiple applications, you wanted to Scam illegally Corona-money.

fortunately, there are only a few. The vast majority behave correctly and the large appreciate the generous offer. The more important it is that the scammers are hard to be accountable. Out of respect for the model utility. In Fairness to the Decent to.