The media release was drafted, the photographer was ready, as the Airbus A340 to the Swiss on the evening of the 22. April on the runway of the airport of Zurich put on. He was loaded with precious cargo: two machines for the production of so-called FFP2 and FFP3 masks. The masks protect in contrast to the hygiene masks, especially the carrier itself, were used at the height of the Corona-crisis in hospitals and nursing homes is urgently needed.

Proud to present the Zurich health Director Natalie Rickli (43) posted shortly after the landing on Instagram pictures of the delivery from Shanghai. 1.6 million Swiss francs, the Canton of Zurich and the Federal government for the machines flipped. You reckon, the production no later than the middle of may, informed the defense Department and the Canton of Zurich.

Still nothing

may be running to is long – but the machine still continues. The respiratory protective masks “made in Switzerland” are not even ready for certification. This shows a request for the Flawa AG, in the production halls are in Flawil SG the machines.

According to Alfredo Schilirò, spokesman for the company, the chopsticks or else watts, and fresh soles making, the “improvement of the process stability” lasted longer than planned. This means that The produced masks were sometimes better, sometimes worse – but not consistently good. And therefore it is produced instead of the announced 80’000 to 100’000 masks per day is currently 0.

The Flawa assumes that the machines will be operational by the end of the month of production, so about a month and a half later than planned. Or even later. Because already in March Rickli had announced the purchase of the machines and the start of production at the time, actually already April in prospect.

When you are not there, it needs no more

Were not massive delivery difficulties, the reason for the first delay in the re delay very clearly, what led to it. Schilirò merely emphasized that the commissioning of such a machine need usually much more time. The time plan of the Federal government and the Canton, therefore, was not, perhaps, simply realistic.

What is clear: If the first of the Swiss respiratory protection masks are run over the conveyor belt, it will probably need no more. The camp of the army are now filled up to the roof.

hygiene masks are already

exported In full swing, the production of hygiene masks to be running in Switzerland, meanwhile. The Federal government recommends to wear this, for example, rush hours in public TRANSPORT to. Around you protect you from all the people the mask carrier.

hygiene masks also, but not only, in the case of the Flawa established. They are working 24 hours a day in 4-layers-operation, says spokesperson Schirilò. 400’000 masks left the factory currently per week. “The demand is still very high.”

However, there could be less private people who ordered masks, but more and more companies. Also from abroad. The mask production had been driven once high, the supply in the domestic will be exported now, already every tenth Flawa mask.