It looks, among other things, maximum prison sentences of up to 15 years for police officers who violate a stranglehold on people or kill them. In addition to in the future behavior of the files to fail, and disciplinary proceedings of police officers is easier to be visible.

In the United States, around 1000 people die each year in police operations. According to an analysis by Bowling Green State University in Ohio between 2005 and 2018 only in 97 cases, to the arrest of a policeman for murder or manslaughter, and only in 35 cases to a conviction. For years, there are in the United States, therefore, discussions about police violence because they are disproportionately Black.

In many cities of the United States, including in the Federal state and the metropolis of New York, had demonstrated in the past few days, hundreds of thousands of people largely peacefully for an end to racism and for justice in a brutal police operation in Minneapolis lost their lives African-American George Floyd.