The world cringes at the thought of the four police officers in whose custody George Floyd died. At least a friend but you still have to. His name is Bob Kroll, President of the police Union in Minneapolis, and a follower of Donald Trump. In a letter to its members, Kroll defended his colleagues. They were dismissed without process of law, the labor lawyer of the trade Union fought for their Jobs.

Justus Bender

an editor in the politics of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

For the victims, George Floyd, had Kroll left less friendly words. This had a “criminal record with violence,” he said. Bob Kroll was accused in 2007 in a lawsuit by black police officers that he had worn when riding a motorcycle is a “White-Power-badge” on his jacket.

The city paid at that time, because of other allegations, to 740,000 dollars to end the dispute discreetly. One of the former Complainant is now chief of police of the city, Medaria Arradondo.

“pack of rabid animals”

police unionists do not show the greatest sensitivity when Black come by the police to the damage, showed earlier. In 2017, the President of the “brotherhood” of the police officers of Philadelphia, John McNesby, a collection of Black compared-Lives-Matter-protesters in front of a police station with a “pack of rabid animals”.

in 2015, the “brotherhood” of police officers of Baltimore, found similar words for Protesters. Such rhetoric has System. American police unions stand in the political spectrum traditionally rather more on the side of anti-racist activists. You try, on the contrary, for decades, to protect their members from prosecution – even if that means that this unarmed Black kill without being prosecuted.

in 1966, convened by the then mayor of New York, John Lindsay, four civilians in an already existing complaints Committee, the police should investigate the violence. The was the Union too much. “Each complaint Committee with civilians is detrimental to the work of the police authority,” said the then President of the “Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association”. The Union gathered signatures for a Referendum that should tilt the decision of the mayor. The Referendum came, and the Union stuck up posters, acting in the core of it, that White fear of crime should have.

this was The Argument that Supervisory trimming the possibilities of the police against Criminals, which would, in turn, to pay for the citizens.

New York: a plebiscite for the Union

mayor Lindsay warned that adoption of the referendum, not only of the appeal Committee, but also other ways to determine against police officers, would be circumcised. The former President of the bar Association, spoke of the danger of an uncontrolled “secret police”.