For the relationship between Europe and America, it is a heavy burden, if the us Congress should adopt those tougher sanctions against the Nord Stream gas pipeline 2, proposed by senators from both parties. Because not only the circle of those European companies, which could be occupied in connection with the project, with penalties, would draw much more than before, but even the German authorities could, after evaluation of the Ministry of economy in Berlin on the subject of American sanctions, as Germany, would be a kind of rogue state. It would be difficult to talk of friendship and partnership with America.

The blame for this conflict is, of course, to a large extent in Berlin. The Federal government has denied for years the obvious: that Nord Stream 2 is a strategic project of the Kremlin, one of the great dangers for the European security assume direct for the Ukraine, which would be turned off as a Gas transit country, indirect for the Rest of the continent. On the history of the sanctions heard that Berlin has held against the existential interests of the Eastern neighbours and allies of Germany and against the massive concerns of the EU Commission to Nord Stream 2.

The methods by which the American members want to stop the Pipeline, however, are acceptable. Opponents of the project in Warsaw, Kiev and the Baltic capitals looking forward now, to think in the short term. Each well of the cracks between the United States and Europe will be at your expense. And here it is a conflict that will not go away when America was supposed to get after the elections in November, a sane President. Because neither the existing nor the possible future sanctions against North Stream 2 spring the whims of Donald Trump, but a bipartisan consensus in Washington.