The CDU member of Parliament Philip Amthor has operated with a letter to the Federal Minister of economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier (CDU), is to lobby for the company Augustus Intelligence. It reported the “mirror”. The success of the New York-based company’s professional animals Amthor may personally. The draft of the letter that has been submitted to the journal, was apparently written in September 2018 on the letter paper of the German Bundestag and circulated before Sending in the company.

in it, Amthor to Start-have praised up and Altmaier, head of the political support requested. The Writing is on the 2. October in the Ministry of economy be received. Already in mid-2018, it was according to the “mirror” in the internal communication of the company, that the politicians “will be good for us”. For the letter, employees celebrated Amthor: He was “a hot guy” it was said, “we have to thank real for him”. Two months later, visited Augustus-Manager, together with Amthor twice the then parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of economy, Christian shepherd. Amthor got according to an internal installation a minimum of 2817 stock options to the company, and has held the post of a Director. The “mirror” reported, him documents relating to travel were also and stays in expensive Hotels, the Amthor Augustus-employees took.

Amthor said on Friday on Instagram and on his website, he can’t be bought. The next activity he had, the Bundestag administration in the case of recording in the last year officially. Nevertheless, he had made himself politically vulnerable and could understand the criticism. “It was a mistake.” This Chapter will be to him a lesson. Therefore, he had completed his secondary activity.

The Deputy commented on the request, who took over the costs for travel, accommodation and champagne. From the internal communication of the company should also confirm the suspicion that Augustus wanted to possibly paying bribes in China. You need “a little Cash” to open approximately one to five million euros, “to appropriate doors in China”. Philip Amthor should have received this Mail in copy. The CDU-man was, according to “mirror” a comprehensive set of questions this week, unanswered. Also, Augustus didn’t comment to specific questions.

Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) wants to leave according to the “mirror” of the events in his Ministry to investigate. He had taken “the appropriate press releases to the attention of,” said Altmaier, therefore, on Friday in Berlin. Amthors advertising letter for Augustus had been discussed “at the level of my staff”. It was customary, when a member of the Bundestag turning to the Ministry. He had yet to hire had no opportunity to “own Research”, will inform the media later, “umfänglichst” about it.

The Anti-corruption non-governmental organization Transparency International called for “full investigation” in relation to Amthors in addition to activity. Norman Loeckel, Deputy head of the working group’s policy of Transparency Germany, spoke of “at least politically questionable behavior” Amthors, if the allegations came true, as the news portal “Watson” reports. Amthors claims of democracy in Germany. “If there is an active member of lobby operates work for a company, of which he later receives stock options and a Director’s post, has aroused the impression of venality,” says Loeckel. An apology Amthors is not sufficient in this case.