It was in Minneapolis like in the war zone. The night sky brightens: of blazing fires. The floor is littered with rubber bullets, firecrackers and broken glass from smashed Windows. Eyes burning from tear gas and black smoke. Every breath fell in these nights is difficult. What began the day as a peaceful Demonstration degenerated after sunset to excessive violence.

Back in San Diego, California: 5000 people, gathered on the legendary beach Moonlight Beach. You mourn, you pray, you scream. Everything peacefully. Without Destruction. The image of the hundreds of surfers with their boards on the knee for 8 minutes and 46 seconds silence – exactly as long as police officer Derek Chauvin (48) pressed his knee on the neck of George Floyd (d. 46) – is stronger than any kind of violence.

There are the two sides of the protests, which continue for ten days, with The majority to raise its voice – loud, angry, but peaceful. The few troublemakers – including the left – and Right-wing and even outraged protesters of different origin – set whole cities on fire, loot a Store after the other. They are, along with the man with the orange complexion in the White house, the columns of your country these days.

Short combines with a Floyd, then split again

Actually, America was for once in agreement: The dark-skinned George Floyd (†46) was a brutal murder victim. Committed by the white police officer Derek Chauvin (48) and his three accomplices in Uniform, who stood by silently. Left, right, Liberal, Conservative, United in their outrage over the police violence.

However, after the initial shock of the riots came. And so it was over with the short Consensus again. While left-wing circles reacted first with restraint, and the riots did not condemn consistently that the Conservatives have a shot at it. Some argue that it is only material things and not a human life, and the anger was understandable. The others indicate, however, that in shops, there are also destinies hang, and any troublemakers would have to be followed consistently – best use of the military.

to discuss The facts about Racism in the U.S.

Instead of using the police violence against Black people, the origin of the Outcry that is currently being argued a lot more about the riots. The debate shows, that was the main point anyway never agree. While Democrats denounce the police violence against dark-Skinned System, keep the Republicans and their allies, with the Argument that there is in any organization, some of the “black sheep”.

What is really true is difficult to. What appears clear is that There is systematic racism in the United States, as dozens of studies have shown. Less clear, however, it is, when it comes specifically to the police violence against Black people. Statistics of 2019 showed that dark-Skinned were killed two and a half Times more police officers than White. The Problem with such data is that several variables are not taken into account. Opponents complain that it would be important which ethnic group is committing more and especially more serious crimes. So, too, the renowned Harvard Economist Roland Fryer Jr came. after an investigation, concluded that there was “no evidence of racial discrimination in shootings”.

The Black struggle in America for centuries against the racism. Whether this is still the real, you can judge a White impossible. Numbers and statistics are one thing, experience reports of Affected the other. In Minneapolis, we heard numerous stories of harassment and police violence. All things White complain a lot less. “George Floyd’s death has shown me that I can be the Next. As a Black I’m afraid, in America, every day of my life,” said the 22-year-old Amin to VIEW.

recent history shows: nothing’s going to happen

comes A change, when the country realizes that it has a Problem. But the Americans have not yet. Even now, after the brutal murder of George Floyd, to support, according to a recent survey, only a slim majority of 54 percent of the demonstrations. If the reporting of the case is abating in the coming days, should the same thing happen with the support for the concerns of the protesters.

The recent history shows that after the Outcry in America life goes on after a few days or weeks, and often more, as if never been something. So it was 2014, as the international movement of “Black brought Lives Matter” in the United States, hundreds of thousands on the streets. This is after the brutal killings by policemen of Michael Brown (†18) and Eric Garner (†43). The same thing is running amok and to observe other firearms-dramas: Always a big outrage, followed by demands for reforms. But then again, the versa, the issue is in the political mills of Washington.

sign with Trump are bad

Why should it be different now? The omens are not good: The riots have made a lot of Goodwill towards the concerns of the demonstrators destroyed, and with Donald Trump, a US President in Power, the systematic racism and police denies violence against Blacks vehemently. Trump has shown on Monday what he thinks of peaceful demonstrations. He let the protestors in front of the White house with rubber bullets and tear gas of the police, the military and its Secret Service to distribute. Just so he could walk in the opposite Church, and a Bible in the cameras keep.

the reality is that it is likely to be in America again soon quiet. Until the next Video on social networks Public, which shows a brutal killing of an African-American by a white police officer. Then it starts all over again. A vicious circle, with no immediate prospect of Escape.