The Federal government established National platform “future of mobility” in a on Monday published the interim report for the open technology promotion of alternative drives and fuels. Research and Innovation should in future be granted only for battery electric vehicles but also for Cars and Trucks with regard to hydrogen propulsion and for electricity-based fuels. Background of the CO2 reduction target set by the Federal government for the transport sector.

by 2030 the annual CO2 emissions from the transport sector should decrease by at least 40 percent, which corresponds to a reduction of 65 million tons. Alone on electric car that is not reached, the by Barbara Lenz, a traffic expert at the German Institute for air and space travel-led working group. Because recommended, even if – as an earlier stage of the platform already – at the beginning of the next decade of 10.5 million electric vehicles registered in Germany, the CO2 emissions of the overall fleet only increased by 25.6 million tons. However, according to the experts, call on this value applies only when the production of the vehicles and especially the batteries, CO2-success-neutral. Predominantly electrically to roles in addition, the 66,000 Trucks with pantographs on the highways, which would correspond to a CO2 saving of 3.9 million tonnes.

electricity-based fuels have a higher Potential

The gap is a whole range of different actuators and energy sources to close. What relates to the Potential of the hydrogen-powered fuel cell opinions were in the platform. We finally agreed on the assumption that by 2030 in the best case, 350,000 and larger passenger Cars and 100,000 commercial vehicles with this technology are on the road and thus, 2.4 million tons of CO2 saved, if only the green hydrogen is tanked. A much higher effect could provide, according to the experts of electricity-based fuels, namely, 16.9 million tons in the year. They are used in internal combustion engines and could even be the crude oil derived Diesel or petrol added.