A massive change: During the Corona period, many employers sent their employees to the home office. For some, it was a blessing, for others a curse.

you belong to no Matter what stock, slowly, the return to normality begins. Many workers are now back in the office and are once again faced with a change.

But change is not always something Bad. The Corona-time-adjusted work situation has taught us a lot and we got ourselves new habits, one of which we should take a few crucial to maintain.

In these habits, we want to hold

1: structure of everyday life

bring So many distraction possibilities: in the Morning, a quick round of Jogging, before you are sitting at the Computer or at lunchtime, a little longer after the TV run. Anyone who works from home, has to because the commute is eliminated, more time for other things. If these are extensive, and a lot of space in everyday use, then the work suffers.

So we were able to work productively, we had to bring structure into the daily routine. This means, to Sport, to coffee break and then to lunch. On such a structured everyday life, we should continue. The brings order to life and helps to escape stressful situations. to be able to

custom 2: cope With change

We have learned to adapt to new situations. In the process of dealing with change is not a question of age but a matter of personal attitude. Due to a change in circumstances, we are able to find tailor-made solutions for new problems.

Also, if later on at work, something New comes into play, so you should be the opposite-averse. In the future, we know to give the New a Chance can be quite good also.

custom 3: lunch time, prepare yourself

there Was the lunch, maybe just a quick kebab from the kebab shop, or a Big Mac from McDonald’s, we have, since we are working in a home office, a Fast Food Shop the inside of seen. And that is a good thing – for the health and well-being.

We inventors have become and have started, tasty dishes and healthy Snacks. So why, in the future, not often times pre-cooking and food to take to their office?

Easy recipes for home office

In the home office, we often use ready meals because of the time and Motivation to cook are missing. A healthy diet is important to us just now, to feel good. Cookbook author Nadia Damaso (24) shows how you can eat home healthy.

This 11 healthy Snacks should need in the home office on the Desk and

in the meantime, our brains a break and fresh energy. What healthy Snacks are good for it, you can find here.

habit 4: a breath of Fresh air in the breaks

The way out of the apartment is not far and the distractions on the way not to get there are many. If you decide in the office to catch the break of fresh air, it may be that you will be stopped by the boss or a colleague. To home the less. Therefore, the following applies: In the future, you should take the path to the fresh air destination safely. To go short to the outside, clears the mind and promotes productivity.

habit 5: More video calls with colleagues

Also, if during the home office Phase lag of physical distance between colleagues, it felt somehow as if the Team was emotionally very close. Through virtual coffee breaks, or to increased use of video calls you saw on a regular basis and knew where the other.

This should be retained, back in the office. It does well, in the course of the day, once right to exchange and to learn how to do it the Rest of the team just.

habit 6: don’t be distracted

Only this Meeting with colleagues should not degenerate into hour-long chats. If you put a period of time for coffee breaks, then you should keep in mind.

For the Good of the spatial distance in the home office: gossip aunts may not look at the place, and a full chat. This can be a vollbpackten working day quite stressful. From the Lockdown, we take so that we allow ourselves to be in the future, not distract. If the members show up to Chat, we can tell them to politely back.

custom 7: sometimes Less is thank more

the skin of The ladies it is: Make-up we have applied already for a long time any more, and sweatpants become our best friend. Who made barely take a step without perfect Styling out of the house, has now detected perhaps even the advantage of casual Looks.

It doesn’t have to be the pant, although this is currently just in the Trend, but it does not have to be a Blazer and high heels or tie and jacket. Except it prevail in the office, of course, a strict dress rules.

Comfortable Jogging pants stylish combine

can be used to Scroll these days through Instagram, you can see Jogging pants without end. Like the comfortable Look stylish combine, read here.

Easy recipes for home office

In the home office, we often use ready meals because of the time and Motivation to cook are missing. A healthy diet is important to us just now, to feel good. Cookbook author Nadia Damaso (24) shows how you can eat home healthy.

This 11 healthy Snacks should need in the home office on the Desk and

in the meantime, our brains a break and fresh energy. What healthy Snacks are good for it, you can find here.

So you work productively in your home office

Due to risk of Infection by the Coronavirus, many companies allow their employees to work from home. In the home office can be quite productive if you do it right.