Just you were the last remaining Large. Today, the United States are the Divided States of America.

A last mark stone in this way, the 2016 presidential election were, as Donald Trump took 46,09 per cent of the vote, Hillary Clinton 48,18 – and still lost: can run out of scarce, random and strange, a democratic election is hardly.

VIEW,-correspondent Nicola Imfeld writes: “In Minneapolis, it seemed to me at times like a war zone. Many buildings in flames, the air thin due to the black smoke that hangs for hours over the city.”

all the people in that dire situation, the US President does not use his office to unite the country. Instead, he leaves hardly any stone unturned to divide it deeper and deeper.

in January, Trump was able to announce stunning economic data: record low unemployment, record high Stock market levels and a more stable dollar exchange rate promised to cover any breakages and to secure his re-election.

Today, 40 million Americans have no Job, 108’000 – more than in any other Nation – were Covid-19 to the victims, 140 cities are experiencing demonstrations and riots, reminiscent of the civil war-like situation after the assassination of Martin Luther King (1929-1968).

the trigger was the shocking Video out of Minneapolis: A white police officer kneels on the neck of the black George Floyd, you can hear his words “I can’t breathe”, sees him die.

The fact was, centuries-old wounds to flare up again – in a time of utmost uncertainty and conflict, the countless people the economic abyss before their eyes. However, instead of a President who unites the Nation in the face of the threat and the courage, to experience the citizens of a choleric, announcing the deployment of the army in the cities: Yet more unrestrained, even worse, you can fuel a conflict hardly.

The United States in the year 2020 as a wobbling great power. You are going to squander all the credit in the world.

Us, Swiss, us and West Europeans, the large should be cause for concern.

For all their differences, for all the criticism, not the least of war crimes, from Vietnam to the war in Iraq: What unites us is far more than what divides us.

The United States, established on 4. July, 1776, are the oldest and strongest democracy in the world! Again and again they fought against oppression and dictatorship. They brought Europe freedom, as they battled Nazism and ensured that capitalism triumphed over communism.

Also, the view in the story gives us hope: The US went so far always yourself out of the swamp. And as in Switzerland, the political pendulum strikes back even after each rash. On the neo-liberal Ronald Reagan and his Adlaten Bush Senior, Bill Clinton followed up on the war George W. Bush of the peace friend of Barack Obama hawks.

Who was also the strives in the world according to a main role, be it China, Russia, Saudi Arabia: Nobody, is, and will remain so close to us, such as the USA!