The murder of George Floyd (†46) moves the world. And leads to a discussion about racism. But what do white people to support People of Color? How can we help you? Here are five suggestions.

racism perceive

in Order to combat racism, one must perceive it first. In Switzerland, discrimination is often only at second glance. In the case of institutional discrimination, for example, in the school, on the labour and housing markets or to the authorities.

privileges to recognize

white is an advantage be. In English, there is a term: “White Privilege” . So no one says that our life is difficult, but merely that the colour of the skin does not contribute to our problems. The biggest white privilege is that we don’t have to deal with racism. We do it anyway! We think of discrimination, without expecting gratitude. This also means that we will be aware of the Central role played by Switzerland and the Swiss economy in times of colonialism have.

recognize their Own Actions behind the questions

racism is sometimes to look in the mirror. Even if it is many, unconsciously or not mean: All have prejudices. And we reproduce them. So it offends many Blacks, when asked: “Where are you coming from? So, I mean, where did you come from, really?” And, although you are born in Switzerland and grew up. This will be a signal: You’re different.

listen to

we Listen when people report experiences of discrimination. And above all: we Take them seriously. Sounds, of course, but it is not. The reason is the “White Fragility”, the white Fragility. The term assumes that White often respond to the suggestion that you know has its importance, not negative. A particularly strong Left-wing and Liberal, who think that they themselves behave quite sure racist are affected, of all things.


Silence means consent. It needs active solidarity with Affected by racism. We walk, once we observe discrimination. Even if it happens incidentally. We discussions, even unpleasant. And even if we have to run with friends or family members. It is not enough to stand on the side line. We are not just racist. We were racist.