because Of retirement. Hardly Daniel Koch (65) has passed in Retirement, arose, the dispute between the former Mr. Corona and the epidemiologists Guild again. Marcel Salathé (45) of the ETH Lausanne, and Christian Althaus (41) of the University of Bern, both members of the scientific task force of the Federal government, accusing a cook and his officers, to have you and your warnings at the beginning of the Corona-crisis is not taken seriously.

interested in Instead of opting for the point of view of science, was the Federal to bring the critics to Silence. He was told publicly not to aggressive to act, reported by Salathé. Otherwise there would be no scientific task force. “It was almost like in North Korea,” the hefty charges of epidemiologists in the “NZZ on Sunday”.

“North Korea comparison was a Seich”

Salathé is in the Corona-crisis to become one of the loudest critical voices in the country. But whether this statement, even he had to swallow in hindsight. A day later, the ETH-Zurich Professor back cancer now. The North Korea comparison was “bad” and a “Seich”, tweet Salathé on Monday morning, almost meekly. “North Korea is a brutal Regime. The advice of colleagues, however, were meant to be good,” he says, and adds: “Thank you and sorry. Mea culpa.”

Salathé is stress it is also important that the cooperation with the Federal office for health (BAG) is “very good”. In March, the scientists had announced, and his confidence in the policy was being “rocked”. Today, he says: “Since my Tweet in March, much has happened.” He had the opportunity to many of the direct Exchange. “This has always been a very interesting and respectful.”

lied a chef?

In a allegation, the scientists hold, but cooking is not to tell the truth. The former head of the Department for communicable diseases in the BAG had been given to the “NZZ on Sunday” Protocol, Althaus have never tried to contact him and the BAG give a warning. Instead, he came immediately to the media.

On Twitter published Salathé yesterday a proof of the contrary. A letter addressed, among other things, cooking, and Federal councillor Alain Berset (48), dated 25. February. There Salathé, Althaus, and another two Epidemiological offer, and to epidemiologists of the Federal your Expertise. Althaus also claims to have already in January, with the chef personally on the phone. In February, he had held the BAG to the next lecture. “Daniel Koch of course was not present,” says Althaus.

“I have no dispute with these gentlemen”

chef does not want to comment on the request of VIEW to the matter. “I give no comment,” he says. In the population, almost like a folk hero celebrated chef’s in no mood after his resignation, on further discussions to engage. And, in consequence, possibly also error to admit. He says only left: “I have no dispute with these gentlemen.”

The Federal office of public health confirmed, however, to have the Warnbrief the scientists get. Then you have invited the scientists to a Meeting and the task force is established, says BAG-spokesman Daniel Dauwalder. The question of why cook was not there, as Althaus in Bern, the model presented is not answered in the BAG.

The assessments of the epidemiologists had been involved in the decisions. “The Decisions to proceed are made, ultimately, by the politics,” holds the BAG to the evaluation of the scientists in the picture for this decision is only one of several bases.