In a first time the Grand chamber had rejected – even in the age composition before the elections and before the global climate protests – the total revision of the CO2 act at the end. In the second attempt only, the SVP-group, and individual FDP representatives voted against it.

The national Council followed, with few exceptions, its pre-Advisory environmental Commission and many Decide of the Council of States. The vast majority of the over eighty minority and individual applications were chanceless. The SVP wanted to dilute the CO2 act, the Ratslinke will exacerbate even further. By a moderate course has been set.

A u-turn made by the FDP faction. You agreed to a new climate measures other than before one and a half years by a majority. The FDP well-known after a controversial internal debate, to a more ambitious climate policy.

The Greens were also willing to compromise. Although many of their applications failed, they agreed at the end of the template. In December 2018, it had rejected the diluted CO2-law in the final vote. The SP representatives, which had included at that time a majority of the vote, gave the template now also your blessing.

The GLP and the middle group, finally, were almost inside the Band to profit. Largely on its proposals, the various Changes in the Federal – based means act on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as the CO2-law officially.

Recently, the national Council had to decide on how the funds from the new climate Fund should be used. In the Fund a third of the revenue from the CO2 to flow-output and just under half from the air ticket levy.

According to the will of the great chamber, the replacement should flow benefits of Car importers in the climate Fund. These are not then due and payable, if the import comply with the CO2 targets for new vehicle fleets.

spokesman Stefan Müller-Altermatt (CVP/SO) said that the Commission could be promoted to support a climate Fund, with a wide range of measures. You but the fact that the rural and Alpine regions came to train.

The Council, enshrined now in law, that the Federal Council must take into account in the distribution of funds, the economic Situation of these regions. In addition, the national Council intends to use the funds from the sanctions, over half the national road and agglomeration traffic Fund (NAF), and half for adaptation measures.

Further, the national Council held expressly that the Funds could also be used for the development of renewable aviation fuel used. The subsidies for renewable fuels is expected to cover materials up to 80 percent of the additional costs compared to fossil kerosene.

Initially, 100 million Swiss francs per year would be provided for. The technology proves to be successful, could increase the contribution to 300 million Swiss francs.

at the same time to ensure the large chamber, the climate Fund-funds for cross-border train journeys, including night trains as an Alternative to air travel can be promoted. This funding opportunity has anchored the national Council explicitly in the law. In addition, he wants to support a CO2-neutral drive technologies in public transport.

As the Council of States, the national Council wants to commit to the Finma and the SNB, the climate related to check financial risks on a regular basis. The large chamber holds but, in addition, that the reports are open to the public and also measures to propose.

these and various other differences is now going to be discussed again in the Council of States.