In the event of a contagion, the organizers may not be made for a Covid-19-illness and the possible consequences liable as a note during the Online registration for the election occurs next week Friday in Tulsa (Oklahoma). Those who sign up, and recognize that in every public place where people are present, infection risk.

event, in spite of rising Corona-Numbers

Trump announced on Wednesday, to next week, his first rally since more than three months hold. The pandemic is not over in the USA. In some US States, there are new eruptions with partially pronounced increase in the number of infections. The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reported a significant increasing trend in a number of States – including Arizona, Utah, Arkansas, South Carolina and Nevada in the South of the country. In former hotspots such as New York and its neighbouring regions, the Numbers go back but still.

The Director of communications of trump’s campaign team, Tim Murtaugh, had rejected criticism of the election campaign events during the pandemic and mass protests against racism and police violence as a result of the death of the African-American George, Floyd referred to.

rally at the slavery remembrance day

trump’s meeting will be held on 19. June, a day of remembrance for the end of slavery. Tulsa 1921 it was the scene of a cruel massacre by a Mob of angry White to the black population. Historians view this as the worst clash between White and Blacks in the United States after the end of the American civil war. Hundreds of people died. (SDA)


On 3. November 2020 the presidential elections held in the United States. The President, Donald Trump is aiming for a second term. All the latest developments on the elections and candidates, it is always in the News and all articles on the topic can be found here on the US elections page.

Donald Trump News

For Donald Trump in 2016 to 45. The President of the United States was elected, mess swirls the international policy. Keep up to date with all the pictures, News & Videos from the USA.