Federal home East, in the office of the chief of the army. Handshake has not yet – and so Thomas Süssli (53) salutes to Welcome, with a smile on your face. He is the first army chief who has made almost his entire military career as a militia and not as a professional officer. And probably he is also the first of the climbs for the photo shoot on the roof of the Federal building.

Thomas Süssli: The army was a heart decision! After 25 years in the IT and financial industry, I wanted to do something for Switzerland.

in The beginning I felt the. Meanwhile, I have the impression that we have found a common path and the basis of trust grows. Apart from that, critical views are not a Bad thing.

Directly I heard the never. Of course the fighting games forces a Central role, and I will ensure that this remains so. The army must function as a whole System. This also includes logistics support, training, etc., I am a chief of the army, of the is for everyone.

I feel the greater responsibility – not only for the organization but for the whole of Switzerland. I wonder in the evening on the way home, if I have done something Good for our country. In practical life, little has changed: I get up at 4.45 am and am rarely before 21 o’clock in the evening at home.

I want to create a modern army, in particular with regard to culture and digitisation. You should align itself to the new threats. Performance profile and resources must be in compliance. And, very important: I would like to, that the army is firmly anchored in the population, so more will be seen in the WK, but also on Social Media.

The digitisation relates to core areas such as intelligence, leadership, and logistics. The military administration must make, in analogy to the economy, making processes leaner. And I have a Vision of a digital militia army: An App to be the interface between the young citizens and the army. He can do everything and order.

Yes, it is at the end of this Vision.

We are losing each year a few Thousand young people, which should actually provide us with service. We have calculated: At the end of the decade, us will be missing around a quarter of the stocks! Therefore, there needs to be a discussion about the capabilities of the army: To you can the same as it is today, we need the appropriate people.

Many decide before the RS to go into the civil service. Others do not want to be in the RS, but for medical reasons. Then also RS-graduates in the civil service to change, often because of the compatibility with the profession.

The Exodus is to be stopped

The Swiss army has a bigger Problem. The soldiers go! Problem number 1: the Swiss military service at all. So a total of around 31’to 400 people, for example, in the year 2018 position apply. 70 percent of service would be actually fit, as have been almost 22’000 men. In fact, a school for recruits abverdient have just 40 percent. So 12’800.

Each year, up to 4,000 soldiers to go in advance

Problem number 2: The army, more and more people run away. Mostly for medical reasons, or because they go to the civil service. Out of a total of 140’000 members of the army, the military loses each year two to three percent. The are 3000 to 4000 men and women.

Now the army chief Thomas Süssli (53) raises the Alarm. A quarter of the stocks, i.e. about 30’000 soldiers, would be missing at the end of the decade, he says.

For the Army leaders is clear: it can’t go any further. The military should be able to carry out its tasks also in the future, it needs the corresponding stocks. A possibility: The access to the civil service is difficult.

the Parliament Also provides for the poor stocks

this is Exactly why it has decided the Federal Parliament. According to the Council of States decided on Thursday, the national Council, is a waiting year for people who want to switch from the army in the civil service. Means: After the submission of the application and until the decision of Admission the exchange will remain willing to continue military service requirement.

the Stated aim of the template is to prevent the army soldiers are missing. The interest in the civil service increased with the abolition of the examination of conscience in 2009, by leaps and bounds. In the meantime, have stabilized the Numbers, though.

but the new regulation is not cut and dried. The last word is likely to have the voting public. Various organizations, as well as the Greens, the SP and the GLP have already announced a Referendum. (dba)

I expect the policy that you will give us the resources we need to fulfill our task.

It is the task of politics to define the intended purpose of the army. It is also the task of politics to provide the appropriate resources.

We need to create an army in which everyone has a place, the service would like to make. A cyber soldier must not have the same physical abilities as an infantryman. Here, the hurdle is currently too high. To do this, we need to offer challenges and training with an attractive design.

A Touch of adventure may be!

no, but the meaning is important. Every one should find a service that he has done a sensible use.

interesting tank drivers, and infantrymen are motivated by way of very. I feel for the young still a lot of understanding and willingness to be there for our country because, especially in the combat troops.

It would be wrong to draw specific scenarios. What we see: that our neighbours to invest more in the defense. There are images from crisis areas that we have not seen for a long time in this clarity. It is not likely, but neither exclude the possibility that we ourselves will ever come into such a Situation.

The two Reports by video conference. This is a Moment I will never forget, on the evening of the 16. In March, when the Federal Council decided on the assistance service of the army.

It depends where you have looked (laughs). I was very present with the troops, and the link between the Federal Council and the operational level of the army. My task was to translate the political will into a military intention. At the press conferences, we wanted to let you aware of a representative of the management of operations to occur.

I have worked for many years in the Anglo-Saxon space and am therefore working to improve my French. In order to understand questions and to answer, it is sufficient but also today.

Yes, the use of the army was necessary. We were only there, where there was an application of a Canton or of a hospital. The army had to create capacity for all developments. In the end we are not happy when it needs us.

It was a proof that our militia army is working. 91 per cent of the marching command, deployed soldiers are indented. A strong sign of over 3000 volunteers who wanted to provide service.

The world has become more uncertain and more complex. We need to be ready for anything. When I took up office, I thought, the greatest danger was a Blackout. The dependence of electricity in our digitized society.

There are a number of logistical and support services to the electricity generators. The army can also protect critical infrastructure.

The army must protect yourself first, in order to remain operational. As we have done with our own data centers, a lot of progress. But I also see that the attackers continue to develop. It is a constant struggle.

Since before last year, we are the people themselves. This is a very sophisticated training, which we select from 150 prospects one of the 20 best. Have not the greatest knowledge, but the strongest character, you are secretive, quiet, integer.

Because this Time it is for the existence of our air force – all or nothing. We have only the F/A-18, and in ten years your life. If we have an air force or not, is for the population an enormous difference. It comes to the sovereignty of Switzerland. Without airplanes we can not make the air police services, no conferences to protect, no overflight prohibitions to enforce.

The fighter jets to protect the population from dangers from the air. Which of the four types to choose from, it is the best, this decision should be left to the specialists.

I guarantee that the air force is behind all types.

I visit once a week, a troupe.

I’m usually only a quarter of an hour before. So no time to stage a Show. And I’m going alone or only in the company of my management agents. So I know things aren’t going so well.