Health and illness are all areas in which there is spread a lot of rumors, false claims, and konspirationsterier. As DISTASTEFUL in the past told me to warn the world health organization, the WHO, now for the ”infodemin”, which is disseminated at the same time that the new coronavirus.

the Rumors, misunderstandings, and myths to spread quickly and uncontrollably in a day on social media. They can also hamper the fight against infectious diseases. An example is the resistance to the vaccine by the world health organisation recently listed as one of the greatest threats to global health.

then again, She runs Sweden’s first university course on the false news.

the disease, which globally has increased by 30 per cent over the past couple of years. The resistance to the mässlingsvaccin is different, and can be, for example, in the religious context, it can also be due to a belief that it is good for children’s development, to go through with this disease.

We would like to show the relevance of the folkhälsovetenskapen are when it comes to this issue.

A resilient misconception is that mässlingsvaccin could be the cause of autism. There are more than two years ago, that is, the hypothesis was put forward by the doctor, Andrew Wakefield. Despite the fact that the research is later disproved this, time and time again, the spread is still the claim that there is a causal connection between the vaccine and autism, and for parents to refrain from vaccinating their children.

at the university of Stockholm will have its first class on some of the myths and false reports in the field of healthcare. There will be a summer school by the name of ”Faktaresistens, fake, news, social media, and the health (7.5 ects credits). The aim is to give an understanding of how the area is affected by the rumours and the misunderstandings that, for example, vaccinmotståndet.

“We want to demonstrate the relevance of the folkhälsovetenskapen when it comes to these issues,” says the director Ylva Almquist.

Of course, that is open for registration on 20 February, it will walk you through the basic concepts and theories of how the faktaresistens and the fake, news can occur, and also the various strategies that can be used in order to counteract the faktaresistens, and the spreading of false news in the field of healthcare.

to Read more about fake news.