, Stefan Löfven, has said that he wants to lead the democrats in the election period, in 2022. The news has led to a handful of elected officials ‘ P-politician, has said that he would be leaving his post prior to the election.

” It is clear that there is a big party, there are those who have different opinions and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, I don’t feel any pressure, ” says Stefan Löfven.

the Prime minister is pointing to the result of the election prompted calls for new alliances in american politics, and that the Januariavtalet between the social democrats, the green Party, the Centre party and the Liberal party is an expression of it.

“We must always make tradeoffs when we make the agreement, but it would have been a disaster for the Swedish wage and salary earners”, says Stefan Löfven.

the government has achieved and plans to do in the future.

” We have been putting more money into the welfare system, and we are saying that we should shoot for even more. We have 100,000 sites in the programme, which is to make more and more progress in the world of work. We are going to build the homes, schools and nurseries. Klimatomställningen to be done in the right way. There are so many great things to do, so it’s important for us to have this kind of co-operation.

– first Of all, I feel a strong support in the party. It is no wonder that there are people in the party who have a different view of the partiledarfrågan.

” it’s a period of time, which is quite difficult, both in the world and the problems we have with the gängbrottslighet, with the firings and explosions. It is clear that some of the discontent directed towards the government, ” says Stefan Löfven.
