IN the CPIF, that is, the dimensions that are used in the Riksbank’s inflation target, the effects of changes in interest rates on mortgages borträknade.

The overall rate of inflation was estimated in January to be 1.3 per cent, compared with 1.8 per cent the month before. In it was minus 1.4 per cent.

consumer price inflation year-on-year, that is to say, when compared with the corresponding month of the previous year. By monthly we mean exactly, the price change between the two months of the year.

the Lower prices of clothing and footwear, electricity and travel, helped to push the rate of price increase.

”the Prices of clothing and footwear, package holidays and international flights decreased säsongsnormalt in the month of January. Prisnedgångarna was offset in particular by higher rates of rental and cooperative apartments”, said the central bureau of Statistics in its report.

the Figure is far below the Riksbank’s target of 2 per cent. The Swedish riksbank raised the key interest rate at the end of the 2019 down to zero per cent.

Leigh Bratt notes that in today’s inflationssiffra is well below both the analysts and the Riksbank’s forecast.

“this is a blow for the national bank, which is now even more difficult to explain the increase in interest rates, and the reasons why it was made, in this situation, when the inflationary pressures are low and are expected to continue to be there,” she said.

” for Now, it will likely to be calls for a cut in interest rates during the year, the increase in. I think that the threshold for lowering the repo rate is high, and that it recedes into the time to reduce now that you have finally moved on to a zero interest rate, ” she continues.

Leigh Bratt argues that, as a bolånetagare, you can be assured that it’s not going to be seeing an increase in interest rates from today’s levels for long periods of time.
