There is a division among the Liberal party’s EU-parliamentarians.

Stemmeslugeren Søren Gade goes against his two party colleagues in the european parliament, Morten Løkkegaard, and Asger Christensen. Street refuse thus, in contrast to the two other Left-people – to vote for the new commission.

– It, I’m fine with, because I don’t say anything now, as I have said in the election campaign, saying the Street to the TV2 on the internal discord of the Left.

It is not the first time that the Street refuses to go in tact.

He has, for example, called it the ‘clumsy’, as Morten Løkkegaard – who was the Liberal candidate at the head – said that the party should market itself as the most pro-european party in Denmark.

the Street has also declared itself vertically to disagree, Morten Løkkegaard, on the question of whether, Guy Verhofstadt, who is the former president of the liberal group in the EU Parliament, has the clearest vision for the EU.

Now comes the dispute, then, on the new EU commission.

Later in the day, the commission must vote, and here, Søren Gade does not give its backing.

I have decided, because we are before the election promised the people of Europe, that we should have control on the external borders with 10,000 grænsesoldater in the agency, called Frontex. And now the commission puts up to it, we must first have mastered by the end of 2024, says Søren Gade to TV2 and elaborates:

– I think That is too bad, because it is one of the major challenges in the Europe and, I believe, a great many european voters had put their trust, that the 10,000 men were in place before 2024.