The city Council approved its constitution, but does not activate it while it is still open the court case

Pere Fuset, cited as investigated for the death of a worker in a Nursery

The Valencia city Council agreed yesterday, at the regular plenary of December, to create a “commission of non-permanent research” about the accident registered during the mounting of the stands to the concerts in the Viveros Gardens in 2017, and in which he died a worker.

The proposal came forward from the motion option that the team of local government formed by Compromís, PSPV and Valencia in the city council submitted another initiative of the municipal group PP. Despite its creation, the committee, which will be called ‘Accident during the mounting of the stands hired by the promoters of the concerts of Nurseries 2017’, will not work while you have a court case open on this incident, reports Europa Press.

In this regard, the proposal of the local executive points out that “given the existence of a judicial procedure opened, and in the meantime keep this situation, declaring the suspension of the operation of the commission” meeting “as provided for in paragraph 2 of the second paragraph of article 104 of the ROP [rules of organic full]”.

The agreement, which counted with the support of all the councillors of the municipal government and the abstention of the rest of the members of the corporation (PP, Cs, and the councillor is not ascribed to Maria Dolores Jiménez), provides that the commission “shall be composed of one representative from each municipal group and the councillors not attached to that request ponderándose the vote.”

The PP proposed in the motion is the initial creation of the commission under the heading ‘Accident during the mounting of the stands in the Grand Fira de Valencia 2017’, with the order to “determine the political responsibilities arising from the performance of the delegate of Festive Culture [Pere Fuset (Compromís)] and/or of any other political officer of the government team in connection with the aforementioned accident.”

In its initiative, the PP stated that there is a “resolution sanctioning firm” issued by the Directorate General of Labour that imposes a “penalty for a very serious offence to the Valencia city Council for the amount of 40.986 €” from such a loss.

During the discussion of this agenda item, the councillor of the municipal group PP Felix Crespo pointed out that the consistory may not sit on the sidelines of this issue, and confine him only to the judiciary, taking into account that the Labour Inspection has sanctioned. Crespo expressed the “absolute respect” of the PP “by the criminal procedure” and assured that not witnessing in the cause but was considered necessary, at the municipal level, to know what happened.

For her part, the councillor for Citizens Manuel Camarasa, argued that, even if you have an open case in the courts, the members of the local authority to “use all the tools to view political decisions” related to what happened in Nurseries and “clean-up responsibility from the political level”.

On behalf of the government team, the councillor in charge of Government affairs, Sergi Campillo, said that “all” the local executive has “full confidence in the actions made by councillors in this term and by the officials.

After this, he stated that the stands of Nurseries was not commissioned by the city Council, “but by the promoters of the concerts, which estimated that “the responsibility is theirs” and asked not to say “outrageous things” as if in this consistory “not to comply with the law.” “Complies with the law of public contracts, and all contracts have a report of the legal advice”, he said.

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