The director-general of Trade, Natxo Costa, charge against the promoter Intu Mediterrani, a day after the meeting of Puig with the ambassador

The british press to Ximo Puig to support the investment in the Mediterranean Port

The rejection of the establishment in his Father’s Mediterranean Port -re-branded as Intu Mediterrani – is not new among the leaders of Compromís, which has tried by all means to curb the shopping center. However, the director-general for Trade of the Ministry of Economy, Natxo Costa, has gone a step further and today have been asked directly on Twitter to the signature the promoter of the complex, Intu Eurofund, to abandon his pretensions to be installed in the Valencian Community, where it had planned an investment of 860 million euros.

In a response to a news story published by the newspaper Levante-EMV, Costa has expressed: “see that you do not understand it… What I will say in English: ‘Intu go home'”. A message that directly contradicts what it has always said in this case the PSPV: that in the Community of Valencia premium, above all, legal security. The tweet of Costa, in addition, arrives after the meeting of the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, with the ambassador of United Kingdom in Spain, Simon Manley, who had already shown their support to Intu Mediterrani, the mark with which the investment fund, owner of the shopping centre Xanadú (Arroyomolinos, Madrid) and Puerto Venecia (Zaragoza) intends to land in Paterna.

In fact, Puig pointed out to the ambassador that the trade relations of the Community of Valencia with the country british are “fundamental”. For his part, Manley stressed the “close relation which exists between the United Kingdom and the Comunitat Valenciana”, and explained that, last year, this country was the second largest investor to the economy of valencia. “With an eye toward the future, we want to continue maintaining the strong links that unite us with the valencian people”, concluded the ambassador, whose remarks spread the Generalitat in a statement.

The pronouncement of Natxo Coast follows the line of other co-Compromís that, with the vice-president of the Consell, Monica Oltra, the head, have made a public campaign against this investment. In fact, the nationalist coalition left the government of the municipality of Paterna after the mayor, the socialist Juan Antonio Sagredo, to formalize the processing of a new PAI Mediterranean Port.

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