Enrique Peña Nieto passed the presidential sash to López Obrador under the watchful gaze of more than 900 guests, among them, King Philip VI

Miguel Angel Revilla, the Spanish friend of López Obrador: “I want to rebuild the Hispanic community and Mexico will pull of our language”

Mexico writes a new chapter in its democratic history with the arrival of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom the outgoing president, Enrique Peña Nieto, has handed over the presidential sash in a formal act held in the Palace of San Lázaro. For the first time a formation of the left, the Brunette, created in the image and likeness of their elected leader, takes possession of the Presidency and an absolute majority in the two chambers of the Congress of the Union. A freedom that is almost full to legislate during the next six years, in a country divided now between the uncertainty and the illusion.

“we Started today the fourth political transformation of Mexico, it may seem pretentious, or exaggerated, but today it is not only the start of a new Government, today begins a change of political regime. From now on, will perform a transformation that is peaceful and orderly, but at the same time profound and radical because you will end up with the corruption and impunity that prevent the rebirth of Mexico”, thus began Lopez Obrador his speech after assuming the presidency, not without thanking Peña Nieto for its work and “have saved the speech that made other presidents before him.”

The president also promised, end: “with the calamitous neo-liberal system and with the corruption”, since according to him are the ills which cause insecurity, impunity and social inequality that afflict the country. In this discourse, is unprecedented, Lopez Obrador confirmed that it will withdraw the privilege to presidents and former presidents, will create a Truth Commission to reinvestigate the case of the 43 students of Iguala, will raise the minimum wage, will review seriously the “dire Energy Reform” and put a good part of their decisions to popular queries.

The City of Mexico has been shielded with the deployment of up to 5,000 police officers, and more than 100 patrol vehicles to safeguard the smooth development of an event attended by 900 guests special and that at the close of this edition remained in the Zócalo in the mexican capital. The new president, in a gesture of unprecedented opening, had sent invitations to all world leaders (although many, by the coincidence in dates with the G-20 summit, have not attended finally.

Spanish Presence: the King, Borrell and Revilla

on the part of Spain, S. M. Felipe VI, and the minister of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell have been invited to this important event in our country also is played a lot. In the face of recent uncertainty they have generated some of their economic proposals, Borrell has held meetings with Spanish businessmen in the country who wanted to send a message of tranquility: “there Have been some decisions that have produced some involvement, but, seen from Europe, I don’t think that you have none of those risks, which some have been dedicated to spreading”.

Although without a doubt, the Spanish authority more certainty you have about the future of government of López Obrador is the president of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla. Both wrought a good friendship after a trip to the mexican president to the people of cantabria Ampuero, the birthplace of his grandfather José Obrador Revolt, and this Saturday is one of his guests even more special.

so Much so that Revilla has been the only guest at that López Obrador has gone to receive to the airport and in addition he has been invited to spend the days leading up to his inauguration on a farm that the president has in Palenque, Chiapas. In an interview with El Sol de Mexico, Revilla said: “This man is no danger, it is a blessing that has come, because the other six years as these which we have lived does not hold”.

The Latin american left has mobilized in mass to clothe his new fellow-sufferer. Among them stands out the presence of Nicolás Maduro who, isolated at the international level, has only made three trips in the last year: China, Cuba and now Mexico. With him come also the presidents of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Ecuador, Lenin Moreno. For his part, Donald Trump, who is participating these days in the G-20 summit, has given its invitation to the vice president Mike Pence and his daughter Ivanka Trump. The colombian president, Ivan Duque, and has also attended an event that has coincided with one of the most important leaders of the FARC, Rodrigo Granda, and just in time also coincides with Tymoshenko, who at the last minute has cancelled his visit citing “medical problems”.

As he confesses to THE WORLD Llëir Gave, political consultant Catalan, who has worked with several parties and candidates on mexicans, “it would be a mistake to judge the foreign policy of Lopez Obrador’s response to the guests who attend his inauguration. There are some, such as Mature, in their eagerness to have braces, always accept the invitations. I think that López Obrador is going to move according to their own interests, checking your own line”. Coincides with him, the doctor Khemvirg Bridge, Coordinator of the Center for Political Studies of the UNAM: “As is often the case with the Latin american left, I think it will be very conservative in foreign policy and will try to focus more on the internal politics”.

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