The advancement of the ideology pancatalanista in the classrooms of the Balearic islands and the Valencian Community is not a hyperbole encouraged by alarmist. It is a sad observation reported by parents of students forced to compromise with forms of indoctrination that not only violate the constitutional freedoms, but to rub it manicomial. THE WORLD has collected testimonies in public schools of Mallorca where teachers are forbidden to speak in Spanish in front of the students and parents are encouraged to speak sign language if they are oblivious to the Catalan. All so as to not violate the coercion systematic alibi cultural who had made his fortune often euphemistically under the name of language immersion.

it Was only a matter of time that this insanity is spread from Catalonia to the colleges, the balearic islands and valencian, imported by governments-socialist and nationalist coalition. The students of first of high school of the Balearic islands, for example, is presented as a negative use of the Spanish language, and distorts the historical truth to ahormarla to the faith Catalan. Thus, according to the text books examined in a report commissioned by Citizens, the repopulation of the Balearic islands and Valencia would have been made “exclusively” with ancestors catalans; they concealed the origin of the bourgeois nationalism in the NINETEENTH century to feed a medieval fantasy that no serious historian can hold; it ensures that Felipe V was the first king of Spain who banned the Catalan language, a prohibition that would have ratified the constitutionalists of Cadiz; or is said without a blush that the first democratic parliament in the world was instituted in Catalonia. Associations such as the Circle of the Balearic islands and the Platform Valencia have been warning of this string of bullshit that fluctuate between megalomania and victimhood to assert a national spirit Catalan. A program totalitarian, which goes beyond the classroom and spread all the orders of the Administration, where you have installed the discrimination by language criteria, so that the officials as essential as the medical staff are restricted from the possibility of working in the Balearic islands do not dominate the vernacular.

This collection of breaches of our equality and freedom as constitutional is explained by the infamous capitulation of bipartisanship, which has allowed the withdrawal of the State from communities with nationalist parties, whose vote needed to govern. And also, because the segregation linguistics has become a real business where their own language is a way of encouraging networks, clientalism, consciences national design and power structure, unfair but profitable. It shows Elizabeth Celaá with an educational reform that pays all competition to nationalism while signing agreements for the promotion of the Spanish… in Denmark. If not clear already, soon the Balearic islands will be the new engine of another procés.

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