it Is almost hidden in the sierra of madrid, although it is a large military facility where, among other things, there are lots and lots of tanks and combat vehicles. But in the interior of the enclosure, the Base of San Pedro, is the key center of the Army, if some day he comes to Spain, a disaster health. We call this a pandemic, a crisis of shortages of drugs, a nuclear accident, an attack or terrorist attack NRBQ (nuclear, radiological, chemical, bacteriological)…

The Military Center of Pharmacy of the Defence, a modern resort with just three years of life, is the place where are centralized the entire manufacturing and storage of medications that are strategic for the State, in addition to many generic used by the military in their own pharmacies or even the so-called orphan drugs, that is, those who have no commercial interest to pharmaceutical companies because they are typical of rare diseases.

class=”icon-foto_16_g”> Material in the lab with the word “risk” written. ANGEL NAVARRETE

The minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, went yesterday to this center with the undersecretary of the Ministry, Alejo de la Torre, who depend on these facilities. Robles said he was in the building the “vocation of service” and highlighted the importance of a center as well.

The complex even includes an area of I+D+i where, is investigated, although the production, control and storage of medicines is its main function. The place consists of various laboratories where they are analyzed constantly the medicines. In the quality control laboratory, according to the deputy director of the centre, colonel Juan Carlos Berihuete, “are discussed constantly the medicines. First we analyze the materials, which will serve as container or encapsulated, because those are bought out.”

When made the medicine, which is done in the so-called “clean area”, an area with very restricted to avoid contamination, we also do quality checks. “Finally, there is a third control when the medication is now finished and, if it is the first batch, you save it for a quarantine period of about six months to submit to various tests,” added the colonel Berihuete.

Detail of the “book of war” from the warehouse of the center. ANGEL NAVARRETEEl store of the “book of war” anti-NBC

For more serious cases, the centre of the Army is the “deposit state strategic for emergencies and disasters”. Well stored with materials of high protection against nuclear accidents, attacks with chemical or biological weapons and diseases such as ebola or Marburg disease, a variant of multiple sclerosis. The enormous structures of storage -similar to Ikea-we also look after the more than two million doses of the smallpox vaccine available to the country.

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