Macron calls to the opposition and to the representatives of the ‘yellow vests’ to find a way out of the crisis in the country

are Already three dead since the protests began

“Under the cobblestones, the rage”

Emmanuel Macron, the day after the day of violence and looting in the center of Paris, on the third Saturday of the protest of the ‘yellow vests’: visit the Arc de Triomphe, the meeting of a cabinet crisis, ‘not’ the state of emergency, another round of dialogue. And silence. A silent shriek before a serious crisis. It seems clear that you don’t have many cards to play between the firmly promised, and the attempt to win time to see if it subsides.

it Was also the day of the balance sheets. Although there were serious incidents in other cities, Paris was the epicentre of a storm of violence. The prefect of police, Michel Delpuech, reported that there were 249 fires in that burned 117 cars and six buildings. Against the police launched “hammers, bearings, flares, firecrackers, bocce balls” in a “wave of violence never before seen”.

In the incidents involved “right-wing extremists and left-wing” but also “yellow vests” initially peaceful, but “that took part in the violence”. The prefect argued as proof (and the video is circulating on the networks gives the reason) the incident in the garden of the Tuileries, nearly opposite to hotels conglomerate presence as Le Meurice. There a group of yellow vests tore down a fence around the garden to fall to the ground, critically wounding a protester. Last night he remained in a coma. Other 136 people, including a dozen policemen, were injured.

Of the 412 detainees, 372 will be presented before the courts. The minister of Justice promised this Saturday a “penal response lasts”. But admitting that proof is needed. And that is not easy to collect. Thus, for example, that of the tens of detainees the Saturday before, only one has been convicted. Had a history and was arrested after assaulting a police officer. Today, an expert in police matters had in TF1 that the services detected that the borrokas turned off their mobile phones this noon. It is one of the few scientific means of testing the presence of a involved in a precise place.

Before the overflow of a protest with no leader or formal organization that convenes his actions on the social networks, the Government seems to be in a state of shock. Macron has said many times he will not yield to the demand of the yellow vests to reiterate the rate on the diesel, the source of the protest. The last Thursday, from Argentina. Now, I can’t give in without losing face.

That line of firmness has been completed with statements soothing on “the cholera legitimate, impatience, and suffering of a party of the people”. On Thursday, he added that “in the coming weeks or months” would adopt “supplementary measures”.

Today preferred to keep silent. Do you reserve? Do you lack initiative? You may not have anything more to say. In addition to his supermaryoría in the Assembly is cracked at times. Many members of his group, The Republic in march, weighed down by what they see in their constituencies, they want to withdraw the measure.

So I opted for the symbolic. The little landing from the G20 summit in Argentina, went to the Arc de Triomphe. To verify in situ the destruction. To move to the opinion that up to now supports the protest of the yellow vests, and overwhelmingly, according to all the surveys. The Arc de Triomphe which houses the tomb of the unknown soldier and the flame that is perpetual, is a national emblem. In a country of patriots. Surely he read the graffiti. Among them, this: “The yellow vests will succeed”.

Then went to the avenue Kléber, one of the radials of the place de l’etoile, to see with their own eyes the destruction. Fill out and the cops and the firemen. It was without warning. But he received more boos than applause. And cries of “resignation”. Significant.

then met in the Elysee palace for a crisis cabinet with the prime minister, Edouard Philippe and the ministers of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, and the Environment, François de Rugy. Many boasted the declaration of state of emergency. The leaders of three police unions had asked.

For the moment, no. You have to know that this device dates back to 1955 in response to the contagion of the war of independence of Algeria, that caused numerous deaths in the metropolis. Although the circumstances (“serious disturbance of public order”), the Government dismisses it.

For political reasons: you can’t ban all demonstrations. And because a law of 2017 included in the common law many of the provisions of the state of emergency. Go on, you can get the same effects without much device legal.

What to do for the silence that does not seem to paralysis? To order more dialogue to the prime minister who should be receiving the heads of the parties and to the representatives of the ‘yellow vests’. The leader of ultra, Marine Le Pen, had asked before to be received… by the president. This Saturday, she and the leader of France Insumisa, Jean-Luc Mélenchon agreed to ask for early elections. It seems that neither do they have the ideas best.

The dialog with the yellow vests has failed to date. On Friday, the prime minister convened a half-dozen representatives. They were only two. And one turned around because they are not relayed in the direct encounter.

the hope of The Government seems to be that the “moderates” of the movement to accept some output to see that the protest are going out of hand. A group of them published publishes today an article in ‘Le Journal du dimanche’ condemning the violence. The text was titled: “we Want to be spokespersons of an anger constructively”.

The meetings do not yet have the calendar. With the exception of the meeting with the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who will be received tomorrow. The councillor socialist has criticized the finish leak to the police. It was not the only one. So, it should be understood that Macron asked his minister of the Interior to study “the adaptation” of the device to the police. Need it because it already starts to circulate a call for submissions for the next Saturday.

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