Found a new cave in Israel that housed the Dead Sea Scrolls

Discovered in a sarcophagus a roman of 2,000 years ago in a work-in-Israel

As in the past 20 years, Cayetana Johnson delves into the center of the spiritual world and archaeological. “Year after year I rediscover this Holy Land and at times not Holy,” says this archaeologist hispanic-american with a smile on his lips and a spike in hand, looking for ancient footsteps in Jerusalem.

As for example the slope of gold three inches and more than 2,200 years old have been found in the site Ir David (City of David) a few meters from the Holy Places. “I found gold!”, exclaimed an excited colleague of his, initiating a process of protocols and reports prior to being made public in August.

“we Maintain an important level of confidentiality,” admits Johnson to THE is in a pause that welcomes in the sun of justice. In a few days and already back to Madrid, this professor of the Universidad San Dámaso añorará the sun, work and landscape below and above the soil of Jerusalem.

“it Is a passion that I have from a very young age. I always had a curiosity for the events. It is sometimes controversial, because you have the feeling that what you read in the biblical text does not agree with what you are digging but in general every time I have more clear that there are reliable sources and that the contexts of biblical, historical, and textual match”, he adds.

coming Back to the hoop court Greek, considers “amazing because it was a time where the conservative Jerusalem did not allow the entry of many objects in the exterior. Its discovery opens a debate on the nature of Jerusalem of the time, revealing for example your facet cosmopolitan”.

class=”icon-foto_16_g”> The investigator israeli Yuval Gadot, on the site of Ir David. SALT EMERGUI

“Here has been excavated also in the muslim period and has remained part of the islamic period. There will always be controversy,” he says before he remembered when he excavated the byzantine era: “Some of the houses around us were throwing bags of garbage because they resented what we were doing. I understand the fears of some arab but I know here where we are has not expropriated any house arab”.

Gadot recognizes that the controversy is also present in the academic world. “There is debate but I believe that the archaeologists of the universities should be in here precisely because it is a sensitive site. We can’t leave it in a vacuum, and that ends up being the object of the political game,” he says. “We are in an area very important for the mankind from the point of view of research and the work, therefore, must be very professional,” he concludes.

Johnson was found crosses dated in thousands of years that according to her “indicates that there is a living history of anonymous people. People who were circulating and visiting the Holy Places. In the case of Jerusalem, the byzantine, the centre was the Holy Sepulchre”.

“To understand the birth of christianity, we can not do without the jewish culture. Jesus was an observant religious jew,” he says saying goodbye with a sentence: “Schliemann excavated Troy in the Iliad in one hand and the nozzle in the other so that we can dig with the beak in one hand and the Bible in the other.”

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