the chairman of The Board defends the government from the list most voted “if there is no alternative”

Married resembles the andalusian Government with the “Cuba, castro” did not accept criticism of their management

The president of the Junta de Andalucía and candidate of the PSOE-A, Susana Diaz, has criticized today Paul Married a “post your double yardstick” in politics, as it “has always said that should govern the list most voted, least in Andalusia, and that is because he knows that’s not going to win and are doing a campaign toxic”.

Diaz has made it clear that after the 2D there will be no majorities absolute, but considered that if the parties are not able to join together to offer an alternative government to the list most voted, “must cease to govern, or what they are going to do and Citizens Popular Party, does not respect the will of the andalusian? If they have enough seats to endow a president, because that is democracy, but not the double yardstick of Married,” he responded in an interview granted today to Onda Cero.

“If you win the PP and I can’t give an alternative government, I can not punish the people. You can’t block the institutions”, has reiterated.

he has asked for a valuation on the allegations of the Guardia Civil with respect to the non cooperation of the Board in the investigation of alleged fraud in the use of public money on the part of the Foundation of the Andalusian Fund of Training and Employment (Faffe), with whose credit cards have been paid,among other things, carousing in brothels and eating.”We gave him the access codes to consult all you want, and the Justice also has,” said Diaz,who has reiterated his “disgust” with the misuse of public money “and more in prostitution”.


The president of andalucia has regretted the statements of the former minister Isabel Garcia Tejerina (PP) with respect to the alleged delay school students from andalusia, and has asked that you read the PISA report, “since, for a start, it refers to the 2% of High school students, where in effect we have difficulties, but Tejerina was wrong” when he spoke of the Elementary school, “because we have advanced a lot, and you should know that in Castile and Leon repeated the course more than here.”

Diaz has pointed out “that it is one thing to criticize me to me and another to Andalusia, in addition to extrapolating data that are not” and recalled that Tejerina “has never had sensitivity with this earth, as you saw with the fire of Doñana that no wine”.

Regarding the high number of unemployed that are registered in Andalusia, the president has said that the employment does not only depend on the autonomous community “and keep in mind that we came from the very back, with a structural problem of employment creation, despite which we are currently growing at above the national average”.

he Has criticized the labour market reform of the Government of Rajoy, “because it does not generate quality employment or promote equality.”

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