The technician puts in perspective the situation after one of their nights more hard

Godin: “we Must think of improving. It’s hard to find solace”

to be or not impostado, Simeone appeared smiling in the press room, only a few minutes after taking their biggest tumble since that goes to the Athletic. “I liked the Borussia with your game practical and dynamic and non-tenure useless of the ball”, is sincere praising a rival that he did that so many times have made their guys. What has led them to the place where they are today. Was him a slap tremendous, yes, but with a solution.

Because neither the Witches nor the Monaco seem ready to do battle some, as it seemed to want to say its a tie in Belgium. “The result was so overwhelming that any explanation lacks sense,” said the coach to his speech. Never before had there been a stadium with a marker-like. Although it had gone home with the mood of the much more touched. Because the night of Dortmund, despite its harshness, has nothing to do with those of Lisbon or Milan.

to be or not impostada, Simeone lasted smile until they took off the helmets and said goodbye to think about everything that had happened to his team in Dortmund. “I rescue a lot of things in this game. I like this time. Comes good”. And it was. While, the Mono Burgos reflected your way. Picking up a cigarette just before getting on the bus to catch the plane and leave behind Germany.

“we Give away the first time,”

To digest an accident so severe that no one in the Athletic would have been able to pass by the head. The first position in the group, in view of the ferocity of Dortmund, who didn’t even have their leading scorer (Paco Alcácer), it seems as a utopia. None of the other teams in the group seem able to harm them.

“it’s hard to find comfort and positive things,” admitted Diego Godin, captain white. “They were effective. We made a great start to the second period, but contragolpearon and defined well,” admitted the uruguayan, who lived in a permanent state of alert against the incessant onslaught yellow.

Koke, Griezmann, Godin, Strap and Luke, downcast after the final whistle. WOLFGANG RATTAYREUTERS

the Few times a team had ripping behind athletic with so much brazenness. Although the last Saturday in Villarreal, as were some other notice, and the thing was no worse because Oblak, that nothing could do yesterday, had one of those nights yours. In any case, the diagnosis more clear what gave Correa: “we Give away the first time.”

Godin: “you have to be self-critical”

The bus of Atletico started near a midnight autumn in Dortmund, which will take a longer time to heal. Before leaving, Griezmann has declined to sign autographs to a few kids who were waiting in the parking lot, without allowing the disgust mermase your sympathy.

This afternoon, in Majadahonda, will be all the faces. “We must think of improving and to be self-critical. The good thing is that the Royal Society comes very soon”, he hoped Godin, which you now assume the role of a therapist who many times practiced Gabi.

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