Improcessing for former election campaign chief of US president Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, prosecutor has her Schlussplädoyergehalten. She accused DemAngeklagten greed and deceit. If jurors followed trail of Manaforts money, Sielauter would lie, prosecutor Greg Andres told DemBundesgericht in Alexandria in BundesstaatVirginia.

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The “lie-spinning” has built Manafort to hide DieMillioneneinnahmen from his consultant activity Fürrusslandfreundliche politicians in Ukraine between 2005 and 2014zu. Lautdem prosecutor was ZielManaforts to always have enough money to maintain his luxurious lifestyle.

Already in opening statement, prosecutor had accused him of lying. By running since July 31st, Staatsanwaltschaftzu is trying to prove that Manafort has concealed its revenue auf31 AusländischenBanken, especially in Cyprus, from DenSteuerbehörden. He is also said to have committed späterBankbetrug. Manafort received millions of dollars for his consultant activities for Ukrainian politicians.

Manaforts Long-time business partner Rick Gates is star witness

StaatsanwaltAndres relies also on testimony of most important witnessing indictment, Manaforts long-time business partner Rick Gates. He had said, among or things, that he had helped Manafort to submit false tax returns and The existence of foreign bank accounts. Zudemverwies he would prove to Angabenanderer witnesses and evidence submitted, dieManaforts guilt in all 18Anklagepunkten.

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ManafortsAnwalt Richard Westlingsagte, his Mandanthabe worked with a team of specialists, showing that he didn’t try to hide anything. Demnachzeigen evidence brought against DenAngeklagten not whole picture. DieVerteidigung had tried in process to assign blame to Manafortsfinanziellem misconduct Demfrüheren business partner Gates.

Verdict might fall already at end of week

The trial against Manafort is first that emerged from investigations VonSonderermittler Robert Mueller. Mueller investigates wher TrumpsWahlkampfteam has cooperated with Russia during 2016 campaign. The US president criticized Ermittlungenwiederholt as a political “witch hunt.”

At center of proceedings against Manafort, however, were dessenBerateraktivitäten in Ukraine between 2010 and 2014 and not his action as Trump’s election campaign chief year 2016. The process Gingschneller to end, as Manafort neir wanted to testify in court, nor called witnesses of defense. He is currently in custody because he has tried to influence witnesses.

BundesrichterT. S. Ellis now hands over case to twelve-member jury ZurEntscheidung. A verdict could fall by end of week.