Googlehat has unlocked its payment service Google pay in Germany. On Google Payersetzt a mobile phone with operating system Android credit card. To pay, device is held in shop at terminal – this must support contactless payment. A large part of terminals in Germany was Bereitsentsprechend converted. You can also pay for online purchases with Google pay.

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Google pay works to start in Germany alongside DenKreditkartenunternehmen MasterCard and Visa with Commerzbank and Comdirectsowie online banks N26 and Boon. Toger. The internet company sees indicated as an open platform. “We are looking forward to more partners,” said Google manager Philipp Justus. Overall, Germany is 19th country in which Google pay favours introducing.

Many Germans still pay cash

Google is outdated with launching competitor Apple on German market. Since autumn 2014, iphone group has a similarly functioning payment system for its telephones and Smartwatches, which is gradually being introduced in Europe as well. iphone’s DieNFC interface is previously only available to Apple Pay. Even German banking industry already had demands for a breiterenÖffnung.

Bisherbezahlt a large part of German bar. The entry of Google pay into German market could give mobile pay a boost. Around three-quarters of smartphones in Germany are Androidausgestattet with Google operating system, correspondingly large is number of potential users. “We make paying as easy and intuitive as Google search,” SagteGoogle-manager Justus.