Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is adamant in asylum dispute with CDU. In several interviews he expressed support for demand of federal interior minister and CSU chief Horst Seehofer to reject refugees at German borders. “The people of Germany are finally expecting a real Asylwende, a turning point in refugee policy,” said Söder in today’s Journal of ZDF.

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The Bild newspaper said Söder that it was to fix old mistakes. Among or things, “asylum tourism” must be terminated. addressed to a possible break of coalition, Söder said in ARD-day mes: “We do not want to risk losing credibility in any case.”

Wolfgang Schäuble as a mediator?

According to a report by Rheinische Post, Bundestag president Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) is now to mediate in dispute at request of CDU leader. The party leadership and Bundestag group chairman Volker Kauder (CDU) would have asked Schäuble to talk to CSU leadership in coming days to find a compromise. According to newspaper in CDU leadership, Schäuble has repeatedly taken a critical stance in refugee policy without giving up loyalty to Chancellor and CDU leader Angela Merkel. He possesses credibility on both sides. A discussion between Kauder and CSU regional group chief Alexander Dobrindt will come only on Monday after meetings of party bodies.

Merkel has repeatedly rejected CSU demand for rejection at border and pleads for an EU-wide solution. According to information from German press Agency (DPA), at a crisis meeting in chancellor’s office on Wednesday evening, she also rejected two compromise offers by CSU. The CSU refore initially proposed to start immediately with rejection of asylum seekers at borders, but to end this again in two weeks when EU summit succeeded. The second proposal refore envisaged adoption of rejection now, but only in event that negotiations would fail at EU level. This would have given Merkel practically two weeks ‘ time. According to DPA, it was said from CSU circles that this proposal was also rejected by Chancellor.

The dispute over asylum policy is threatening to become most serious conflict of sister parties for decades. The Bundestag interrupted his meeting for several hours because of dispute on Thursday, and CDU and CSU discussed furr procedure in separate special sessions. The CSU was n threatened with a possible solo course by interior Minister Seehofer.

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Federal Minister Katarina Barley (SPD) warned against a major crisis of grand coalition in face of asylum dispute. The Augsburg general said that SPD would not go beyond points agreed with Union. “The agreements in coalition agreement must be respected,” said minister: “The situation in dispute in Union is obviously serious. We at SPD consider this with a certain concern. “

Barley joined Merkel’s position. “I believe that we can only really successfully implement a functioning and humane asylum and refugee policy at European level.” The Minister of Justice called on Minister of Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) to present his concrete proposals. “We do not know so-called master Plan Migration of Horst Seehofer,” she said. As soon as a design is out of interior, one will look at it very carefully. Previously, however, CDU and CSU should agree on a common line. “We now hope that two parties will quickly find sensible solutions – not only in current conflict, but also in future,” said Barley.

Also SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil Throbbed on coalition agreement. This makes clear guidelines for seeking a European solution in refugee issue. He said in ARD. The CSU accused Klingbeil of an “undignified” approach to Chancellor Merkel. The Union must quickly resolve its conflict and return to substantive work, according to Klingbeil: “Now we cannot rely on national alone.”

Lindner: “Something is going to change”

FDP leader Christian Lindner called for asylum policy not to be instrumentalized for Landtag election campaign in Bavaria. “The citizens of Bavaria should not be able to offer this,” said Lindner in ARD Morning magazine. The CSU should have acted two and a half years ago – not before Landtag election in October, he added.

Lindner showed no understanding for time-imparting that CSU is now building up. “It would be quite understandable to wait 14 days before European summit,” said FDP chief. “After escalation of yesterday’s day, all European partners have realised that it will not go any furr politically. Eir way, something will change. “

The internal political spokesman of Union in Bundestag, Mathias Middelberg (CDU), said in German radio that it would not be completely ruled out that union faction would break apart because of dispute. About a possible resignation of Merkel, he said: “I believe that she will try to agree on matter until very end, because she is committed to her responsibilities in this subject too.”