A five-year-old girl has been found dead this Tuesday inside a garbage bag in an apartment near her house shortly after her mother reported her disappearance in the town of Rambervillers, in Vosges, in northern France, as confirmed the mayor of the town, Jean Pierre Michel, to the AFP agency.

As reported to the aforementioned agency, there is a young man of about 15 or 16 years in police custody. According to the newspaper L’Est Republicain, the teenager is registered by the police and has been detained by the agents. The mayor of the town has specified that he was on file for having “acts related to sexual abuse of minors.”

The girl’s parents had reported the minor missing early in the afternoon, and had asked the neighbors if they had seen her.

“The girl was found lifeless in the apartment. The municipal police officers were the first to intervene, they are the ones who found the girl’s body. They tried to give her a cardiac massage but there was nothing to do anymore, it was too late”, explained Jean-Pierre Michel, mayor of this town of 5,000 inhabitants, to the AFP agency.

An investigation has been opened. According to the newspaper Le Républicain Lorrain, the teenager was arrested in the same apartment where the girl’s body was found. Other local media indicate that the suspect suffers from psychiatric problems.

According to Vosges Matin, he himself called the police to say that he had found the body in his mother’s apartment. One of the investigators has pointed out to this medium that he “was known because he had had pedophilic behavior a few years ago. He had returned to the town a few days ago and was riding a bicycle.”

Last fall another event shocked France, when the body of a 12-year-old girl was found inside a suitcase in the center of Paris.

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