Allies of Chavismo and the pro-Maduro lobby have accelerated their maneuvers to whitewash the revolutionary leader. The pressure from all of them is now focused on the United States, with the intention that Washington lift the sanctions against the Bolivarian Administration. That is the only recognized objective of the international summit convened next week in Bogotá by Gustavo Petro, in which Spain will also participate.

“If this is not done in July or August, absolutely nothing is going to be done,” warned Armando Benedetti, a Petro political operator who is currently serving as Colombian ambassador in Caracas. Benedetti stressed that in Bogotá they will only talk about sanctions and “perhaps” about the case of Alex Saab, the Colombian magnate accused of being a figurehead for Maduro, whose judicial process for money laundering is being followed in Miami.

The issue of “democracy” (elections), according to the ambassador, would remain for the dialogue table in Mexico between the Government and the opposition, paralyzed for five months by orders from Maduro, under the justification that the US has not released the 3,000 million dollars of international reserves retained for social programs.

The meeting between Joe Biden and Petro at the White House, scheduled for Thursday, will serve the Colombian president to present his proposal on Venezuela, which he summed up in the phrase “less sanctions, more democracy.” On his return from Washington, the president will meet with the Venezuelan democratic opposition delegation, whose advance party was in the Colombian capital last week without much success. In the Unitary Platform they fear that Petro will play along with Maduro and also summon the collaborationist deputies, known in Venezuela as scorpions, who were in the pay of Saab.

Russia, Chavismo’s main global ally, has joined the fight to eliminate sanctions. “It is necessary to join forces to counter the attempts of blackmail and illegal unilateral pressure from the West,” shot Vladimir Putin’s foreign minister, Serguei Lavrov, during his stop in Caracas, the most important on his Latin American tour.

Precisely on his last visit to the Venezuelan capital, in which he coincided with the former president of the Spanish Government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, both met with the famous scorpions, who at that time were preparing the electoral fraud of the parliamentary elections with Chavismo.

“Russia and Venezuela have gone through many tests due to the unacceptable colonial policy of the United States, which seeks to frustrate the development of our countries and prevent the formation of a multipolar world order,” said Lavrov, who continues his trip to Cuba and Nicaragua, the other two dictatorships in the region, with which it maintains historical ties.

“They do not seek a transition to democracy, they do not seek to release political prisoners, they do not seek to stop extrajudicial executions and torture, no. They are coordinated actions, it is no coincidence that one day Petro speaks about the sanctions and the next Lavrov does. That, after an intense week of propaganda by these scorpions precisely against the sanctions,” the political scientist Walter Molina Galdi warned EL MUNDO, who disqualified the Bogota summit for selling “Maduro as a democrat, which of course he is not, and With this, the US looks less and less at the dramatic human rights and humanitarian situation in the country in exchange for minimal economic benefits.”

“Gustavo Petro, be a spokesman for human rights and not for those who persecute and imprison the opposition. Are you going to behave as an ally of Maduro or of the Venezuelans,” stressed Juan Guaidó, former president in charge of Venezuela.

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