
Consumer Stocks in China Struggle Amid Spending Gloom on Holidays

China’s consumer-related shares are facing challenges as the nation grapples with a sluggish spending recovery. The upcoming public holidays in China are crucial for the country’s travel and leisure stocks, as they provide a glimpse into the state of holiday consumption amidst ongoing economic uncertainties. The Mid-Autumn festival on September 15-17 and Golden Week from October 1-7 will serve as litmus tests for the resilience of consumer spending in the world’s second-largest economy.

Consumer Sentiment in China

Consumer sentiment in China has been dampened by a combination of factors, including a spending downswing and deflation risks. The lingering effects of the global pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and a property market slowdown have all contributed to a cautious approach to spending among Chinese consumers. As a result, investors are closely monitoring the upcoming holidays for any signs of a potential rebound in consumer confidence.

The Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn festival, also known as the Mooncake festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday that celebrates the harvest season and family reunions. It is a time when families and friends come together to enjoy mooncakes, a festive treat made from sweet fillings encased in a pastry shell. The festival is also marked by the custom of gazing at the full moon, symbolizing unity and togetherness.

During the Mid-Autumn festival, consumer spending typically increases on items such as mooncakes, lanterns, and other festive goods. Retailers and e-commerce platforms often launch special promotions and discounts to attract shoppers during this period. This year, the holiday falls against a backdrop of economic uncertainty, making it a critical period for consumer-related stocks in China.

Golden Week

Golden Week is a week-long national holiday in China that includes the National Day on October 1, commemorating the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It is a peak travel season in the country, with millions of Chinese tourists taking advantage of the extended holiday to visit domestic and international destinations. The week-long holiday is a significant driver of consumer spending, particularly in the tourism and hospitality sectors.

Investor Expectations

Investors are closely monitoring consumer-related stocks in China for any signs of a turnaround in consumer sentiment. Any surprises in consumption recovery during the upcoming holidays could provide a much-needed boost to market sentiment. With the Chinese government implementing measures to stimulate consumer spending and support economic growth, all eyes are on the performance of consumer stocks in the coming weeks.


The upcoming public holidays in China present a critical juncture for the nation’s consumer-related stocks. As the economy continues to navigate challenges and uncertainties, the resilience of consumer spending will be closely watched by investors and analysts alike. The Mid-Autumn festival and Golden Week offer valuable insights into the state of consumer sentiment in China and the potential for a rebound in spending. With the holiday season fast approaching, the performance of consumer stocks will be a key indicator of the country’s economic recovery trajectory.