Madrid hosts a good number of popular races throughout the year, but this Sunday, October 8, the most animalistic of all is celebrated: the Perrotón 2023. Nearly 5,000 dogs accompanied by their owners will face a tour through the streets of the center of the capital of Spain for solidarity purposes: the adoption and responsible ownership of our pets and against animal abandonment and abuse.

The idea arose a few years ago from the head of Alejandra Botto, known for her musical and television career and a great animal lover, during a tour in Mexico. There, she saw a dog demonstration with her owners and they explained to her that it was a popular race through the streets of the city and that was when she asked herself: why not do the same in Madrid? But this time with an underlying message, that of promoting the adoption and responsible ownership of pets. This is how the Perrotón Madrid Nicka Run was born.

Since its first edition in 2012, more than 40,000 people and dogs have participated. Likewise, Perrotón Madrid has the support each year of prominent personalities from the world of society, sports and Spanish culture who, through their selfless collaboration, encourage participation. This year, soprano Ainhoa ​​Arteta will perform at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday on the stage located in the Plaza de Colón-Jardines del Descubrimiento.

The Perrotón 2023 event is on Sunday, October 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the Plaza de Colón, the start of this four-legged race. Ahead, 4.5 kilometers of tour through some of the most emblematic streets and squares of Madrid:

The Madrid City Council informs of the traffic cuts that will be carried out on the roads along the Perrotón route from approximately 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.::

In addition, due to assembly and disassembly, between 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 7, and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 8, traffic incidents may be recorded on Paseo de Recoletos and in the vicinity of Plaza de Colón. .