The Federal Ministry of Economics is driving the switch to climate-friendly heating systems. According to media reports, the first draft law is already in place. That would mean the end of oil and gas heating in the future.

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck apparently wants to ban oil and gas heating as a first step from 2024. This is reported by the “Bild” newspaper, which refers to a draft law by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. According to this, from 2024 only heaters that generate heat from “at least 65 percent renewable energies” will be installed. The newspaper writes that only district heating, heat pumps and biomass boilers are possible. The traffic light coalition had already committed to implementation. This requirement is to be anchored in the Building Energy Act.

In the event of damage to heating systems, there should be a transitional period of three years before the relevant requirements have to be met, according to the information in the draft reform of the Building Energy Act (GEG). The use of fossil heating systems should generally be banned after 30 years of operation. According to the “Bild” newspaper, the 92-page draft lists step by step when the oil and gas heating systems have to be switched off. From 2045, the use of oil and gas heating will be completely banned.

Habeck had already announced a strong need for state support when switching to climate-friendly heating systems. The Greens politician said the funding must be such that people with a smaller budget would not be prevented from renovating a house, installing a heat pump or removing the gas burner. The federal government must create the financial means to make up the difference to gas heating, which is cheaper – until the ramp-up is there and the technology has become cheaper.

According to Habeck, this will be put into perspective on the route: “But at the beginning I see a strong need for support so that the need to generate climate-neutral heat does not lead to socio-political problems.”

There are sometimes long delivery times for heat pumps. Germany has legally committed to becoming greenhouse gas neutral by 2045 at the latest. To this end, the use of fossil fuels in building heating is to be completely phased out by 2045 at the latest.