Osterhofen (dpa / lby) – The AfD declared itself a peace party at the political Ash Wednesday in Osterhofen and distributed against established politics. AfD head of state Stephan Protschka lamented the decades of CSU government. What has become of Bavaria now? “The whole world is now laughing at Bavaria and not just the sun,” he said. In addition, the AfD speakers were convinced that the former CSU Prime Minister Franz Josef Strauss would feel more comfortable in Osterhofen than in Passau.

The guest speaker was the Austrian author Gerald Grosz, who ran for the presidency in his country in 2022. He criticized, among other things, the German Corona policy, the handling of the war in Ukraine and the refugee policy: “We have dismantled the fences at the borders and we are putting up the bollards at the Christmas markets.”

Katrin Ebner-Steiner, member of the Lower Bavarian state parliament, said: “We still have our hearts in the right place, while the CSU bigwigs in Passau have long since slipped their pants.”