Nuremberg (dpa / lby) – A pensioner is said to have kept four fully automatic assault rifles, several semi-automatic pistols and ammunition suitable for war weapons in his Nuremberg apartment, among other things. Since Thursday he has had to answer to the regional court for illegal possession of weapons and weapons of war. The accused admitted through his defense attorney that he had been collecting weapons for decades, a court spokeswoman said. There is no evidence that an ideology made him do it. He refused to tell the court where he got the guns from.

A bailiff discovered the arsenal of weapons last May when clearing the accused’s apartment. He has been in custody since then. A psychiatric expert explained on the first day of the trial that the 75-year-old could be less criminally responsible because of a previous injury. The chamber also wanted to hear an expert on whether the embossing of the weapons could be used to find out their origin. According to the justice spokeswoman, the prosecution and defense could hold their pleas on the next day of the hearing, March 7th. The chamber could then announce a verdict.