In addition to freedom and sporting damage, the accusation of sexual assault against Dani Alves, which keeps him in prison, could cause his financial ruin. In the appeal presented before the Investigating Court number 15 of Barcelona, ​​which must be studied by the Barcelona Court, the Brazilian’s lawyers admit that he no longer has the “economic muscle of periodic income” that he had when he appeared before the judge on the 20th of January.

One of the magistrate’s arguments for ordering his entry into pretrial detention was that, with his income at that time, both for his contract as a Pumas de México player and for what he receives as advertising and image rights, estimated at 30,000 and 50,000 euros each quarter. For the Alves court, he had enough money to escape and return to Brazil, a country with which he has a limited extradition treaty and thus avoid answering before the Spanish justice system.

However, the Brazilian’s lawyers explained that he has lost this income. First, due to the notification of Pumas of the “unilateral” termination of his contract the same day that he was ordered to go to prison for “serious breaches” of the agreement signed in July last year and of the internal regulations of the club as a result of the judicial process in the one the player is immersed in.

In addition, the player has lost between 30,000 and 50,000 euros that he received through one of his companies, with tax domicile in Barcelona, ​​for image and advertising rights, since several companies “have terminated sponsorship contracts” that they had with Alves “and they will be more during the next days and weeks”, according to his lawyers for the accusation of rape.

Specifically, the appeal indicates that on January 24, the company Hygia Saúde, a financial services and insurance company in Brazil, unilaterally terminated the contract with Alves; On January 23, it was the sports betting company lxPartner, which agreed to suspend the sponsorship contract with the player as “brand ambassador” and on January 25 the clothing brand company Ethika also agreed to leave The sponsorship contract with the Brazilian is suspended, making it clear that they will not make any agreed payment for this year or later.

The lawyers recall that among the 30,000 and 50,000 euros that the player periodically receives, his contract with the sports brand Adidas is the main income, although the contract ended on January 18, a month after the Qatar World Cup, without the company renewing it. For this reason, the appeal indicates that “the economic muscle has therefore disappeared” that the judge took into account to order the provisional detention of Alves despite remembering that the player “has had a long professional career and many contracts” for which ” the savings and accumulated assets, could be presumed based on the teams in which he has played”.

However, the player defends his “deep roots in Barcelona” to emphasize that there is no risk of flight and details that “his economic capacity cannot be increased due to provisional release.” For this reason, in the appeal he proposes his release from prison in exchange for other measures such as handing over his passport, wearing a telematic bracelet, staying away from the victim, paying a bail without specifying the amount or appearing periodically in court. He also points out his full collaboration with justice as it shows that he attended the appointment with the Mossos in the office of his lawyer in Barcelona knowing that he was going to be arrested.

Now the court must wait for the writings of the Prosecutor’s Office and the private prosecution before sending everything to the Barcelona Court to make a decision on the request for the player’s release. The decision could take several weeks.

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