Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – Two demonstrators of a “lateral thinker” demo have been sentenced in Düsseldorf for violence against police officers. The district court sentenced a 25-year-old event manager to a fine of 6,000 euros and a 23-year-old assembly worker to nine months’ imprisonment.

The two were convicted on Wednesday of assaulting police officers and resisting law enforcement officials. Two years ago, riots broke out at a rally by the group “lateral thinking 211” against the corona measures in Düsseldorf’s Rheinpark.

According to the court, both men broke through a police line from a group of 30 on December 6, 2020, on the sidelines of the “Querdenker” demo and then resisted their arrest, some violently with punches.

The two men admitted their participation in the demo and their resistance, but distanced themselves from the “lateral thinker” scene. The 25-year-old apologized to the officers involved for his behavior. The 23-year-old stated that he had fled the police camp because of the heated atmosphere and did not want to hurt anyone. The judgments are not yet final.