Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned on Friday (September 1st) that there could be “no lasting peace in Ukraine, or even in Europe”, until Russia withdraws from Crimea, Donbass and other countries. other occupied territories in his country. “Crimea, a peninsula that used to attract tourists and businesses, is today an occupied and militarized territory that cannot develop,” he lamented, speaking via video conference to The European House business forum – Ambrosetti in Cernobbio, Italy.

“Look what happened in Crimea. Did the occupation bring civilization, tourism, business? None of that,” said the Ukrainian president. “Ukraine and all other countries that respect international law do not recognize” Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and “neither do businesses”, he said before calling on Moscow to withdraw his troops.

“Russia is trying to hide its weakness by sowing chaos and terror,” Volodymyr Zelensky said. Addressing the death of the boss of the paramilitary group Wagner, Evgueni Prigojine, the Ukrainian president judges that “if it is true that Putin killed Prigojine, it is a new demonstration of weakness”. “Do you remember Prigozhin’s march on Moscow? It certainly didn’t show Putin’s strength, he was afraid of Prigozhin,” he said.

“We have never doubted Italy’s fundamental support for Ukraine,” Zelensky said, thanking Rome for their help. “It’s time to make strong decisions for our security, the security of Europe and global security”, he launched in front of an audience of entrepreneurs gathered until Sunday on the shores of Lake Como, in the North.