Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The successor to Frankfurt’s mayor, Peter Feldmann (SPD), who was voted out, is to be determined next March. That was decided by the city council of the Main metropolis on Thursday evening. According to the resolution, the mayor election will take place on Sunday, March 5, 2023, with a possible runoff three weeks later on March 26, 2023. The motion for the election date was made jointly by the Greens, the CDU, SPD, FDP and Volt placed.

Feldmann was voted out of office on November 6th and has been out of office since last Friday. Until the new election, his previous deputy, Mayor Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg (Greens), will take over the official business.

The first applications for the mayor post have already been received: Mike Josef, head of the planning department, is stepping up for the SPD. Former mayor and treasurer Uwe Becker is to run for the CDU, and Manuela Rottmann, member of the Bundestag, for the Greens. Your identity must be confirmed by the party base at the weekend.