State media reported Tuesday.

His comments suggest that he will continue provocative weapon tests as part of a pressure campaign to win concessions from the U.S. Monday’s parade marked the 90th anniversary North Korea’s army, which was the backbone under the authoritarian Kim family. It came at a time when the country is facing economic difficulties due to -related problems. The U.S. has also been punishing the country’s mismanagement and applying sanctions.

Kim was photographed in white military ceremonial attire, smiling from a balcony with Ri Sol Ju and other high ranking deputies.

According to the Korean Central News Agency, Kim said that he would continue to take steps to further develop the nuclear forces of his state. He spoke to his troops and the crowd at the Pyongyang plaza.

He reiterated his earlier message that North Korea could use its nuclear weapons to pre-emptively if threatened by attack and asked for his nuclear forces be fully ready to “in motion at all times.”

Kim stated that “the fundamental mission of our nuclear force is to prevent war.” However, our nukes cannot be limited to the mission of war-deterrent. Kim stated that if any forces attempt to undermine the fundamental interests of our nation, our nuclear forces would have to accomplish their unexpected second mission. This would render any invading force “perished.”

Parade participants included goose-stepping troops who shouted “hurrah!” An array of modern weapons, including missiles capable of reaching the U.S. home as well as shorter-range missiles which can be fired from submarines or land vehicles to threaten South Korea as well as Japan.

The Hwasong-17, North Korea’s largest, most recent intercontinental ballistic missile was one of the weapons displayed at the Kim Il Sung Square. It was named after Kim’s grandfather and founder.

North Korea claimed that it had fired the missile in its first full-range ICBM launch in over four years. South Korea disputed this, claiming that Pyongyang had launched a smaller Hwasong-15 ICBM after the Hwasong-17 was unsuccessfully launched. Despite all doubts, the missile that North Korea fired on March 24 flew higher and longer than any other North Korean missile, showing potential for deep penetration into the U.S. mainland.

KCNA reported that spectators cheered loudly when they saw Hwasong-17 at the parade. It said it showed “the absolute strength of Juche (self-reliance), Korea, and the strategic position our republic to the rest of the world.”

North Korea celebrates important state anniversaries often with great fanfare in order to increase internal unity. In Tuesday’s KCNA dispatch, Kim was praised for completing “the historic great cause” of completing nuclear forces. He made a long journey with patriotic devotion and a death defying will to ensure that people would forever enjoy happiness without the horrors war brings.

Kim is also attempting to revive nuclear brinkmanship, which aims to force the United States to recognize North Korea as a nuclear-power and remove crippling economic sanctions. Analysts believe North Korea is using favorable circumstances to advance its weapons program, even though the U.N. Security Council remains divided about Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Since 2019, nuclear negotiations between Washington, Pyongyang and the United States have been stopped by disagreements about the possibility of lifting sanctions imposed by the U.S. in return for North Korean disarmament. Kim has not given up on his goal of simultaneously developing nuclear weapons and the country’s dismal economic in the face international pressure. He has also shown no willingness or desire to give up a nuclear arsenal that he considers his greatest guarantee of survival.

According to Cheong Seong Chang at the South’s Sejong Institute, Kim’s remarks about possible nuclear weapons use and his choice to wear a military jacket to the parade signal a tough approach towards South Korea’s new conservative government. This may be a more aggressive line than the current liberal President Moon Jae In.

Moon’s inter-Korean involvement polices were criticised by Yoon Suk Yeol who will take office May 10. He pledged to increase South Korea’s defense as part of its alliance with America, which he said would include the enhancement of preemptive strike capability.

Yoon’s office stated in a statement that North Korea’s missiles and nuclear weapons have made them a real threat to our country. It is urgent to acquire the ability to deter this threat.

This year, North Korea conducted 13 rounds in weapons testing. It also claimed to have launched the Hwasong-17. There are signs that North Korea is building tunnels at its nuclear testing ground, which was last active in 2017, possibly to prepare for the explosion of a nuclear weapon.

After a string of missile and nuclear tests, North Korea claimed that it had been able to launch nuclear strikes against the U.S. mainland. Before entering the now-dormant diplomatic relationship with the United States, the North had stopped such high-profile testing.

As nuclear negotiations with the United States have stalled, the North has spent the majority of the last three years focusing its attention on expanding its short-range weaponry targeting South Korea.

Kim’s aggressive military push may also be driven by domestic politics, since he doesn’t have any other significant achievements to show his people during his decade-long reign.

Trump’s sanctions relief was not what he sought. The COVID-19 pandemic caused further economic shocks. Trump had to admit last year that North Korea was in its “worst-ever” situation.