It is one of the international operations against drug trafficking through the most ambitious and complex web Dark that are remembered.
Baptized as Operation Dark Holl, it is a joint blow against large drug sellers through the Internet that has been raised with arrests and seizures in eight different countries under the coordination of Europol and the US Department of Justice.

In total, more than 200,000 pills have been seized, 234 kilos of drugs, 45 firearms and more than 31 million in cryptomoneds as a result of an operation for which more than 102 registration orders have been necessary in more
of 150 arrests between the different countries that have participated in the operation.

Unlike traditional drug trafficking networks that operate in person with distribution and self-selling networks, drug trafficking through Dark Web obeys a business logic more similar to that of large sales portals through the Internet
As eBay or Amazon: products are sent via postal mail or messaging services, payments and transactions are made over the Internet using cryptomoneds and users can write Reviews and rate the quality and quantity of the drug that
It has been delivered.

“The criminals use the Dark Web to sell and make shipments of narcotics and other dangerous substances around the world, often using postal mail and private distribution companies to deliver these products,” the United States Chief Inspector, Gary

A criminal structure that does not understand borders and for which both sellers and buyers protect their anonymity using the Tor network.

“Today we are faced with a series of new and growing threats such as traffickers who expand in the digital world and use the dark Internet to sell dangerous drugs such as fentanyl and methamphetamine,” he has assured the administrator of the DEA, Anne Milgram

Therefore, when operations are developed against these networks such as Dark Holl, it is necessary that police officers from different countries act in a coordinated manner.
Therefore, in this case, it is an operation in which different government agencies of the United States have participated such as the DEA and the FBI, as well as the policemen of Australia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

Among the confiscated material are the more than 200,000 pills that corresponded to different substances such as ecstasy, felente, oxycodine, hydrocodine and false medications.

Likewise, the authorities have been able to take 152.1 kilos of methamphetamine, 21.6 kilos of cocaine, 32.5 kilograms of MDMA and 26.9 kilos of opioids.

The camels operated in famous portals for drug trafficking in the Dark Web.
Some of them inactive and others even operational.
Some portals among which are Dream, Wall Street, Dark Market, White House, Deepsea and Berlusconi.

“The objective of operations such as today is to send a message to the criminals that operate in the Dark Web: the forces of order have the media and global alliances to unmask them and make them responsible for their illegal activities, even if they carry them out
In the Dark Web, “the Executive Director of Operations of Europol, Jean-Philippe Lecoouffe has assured.