France 3 PACA reports an astonishing family story. Corrine, a resident of Aix-en-Provence, a 63-year-old market seller, thought she was born of an unknown father. His son offers him one day to carry out DNA tests to trace his family tree.

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As a result, she discovers that she has five brothers and sisters, including one right next door, in the Vaucluse, whom she was able to meet. This sister explains to him that their father is an American “who came to France with a young woman in the 1950s. He had a first child in France, my brother Larry, who lives in New York State. Then he there was my sister from Vaucluse, then seven months later, it was me. Obviously, he was cheating on his wife”, relates Corrine to the public channel.

Three other children of this father were born in the United States thereafter, where they still reside, and with whom the saleswoman from Aix was able to make contact. “We send each other great texts where we tell each other our lives, it makes sense,” she smiles. In April, Corrine intends to cross the Atlantic for a road trip in the country of her parent… and her four of her five new brothers and sisters.