A man has died and two others have been injured by bullet, one of them very serious for a shot in the skull, in a shootout among drug traffickers that took place at night in Cartagena (Murcia).

According to police sources and other close to the facts, the event occurred at 21:25 hours in Calle Mayor Estanislao Rolandi, in an area known as the 600, where a man was injured in his head when he fired from the street to two others that
They were inside a house where drug was sold.

One of them died in the act and the other, injured, stained in the bathroom until, after several hours, a negotiator of the National Police managed to depuse his attitude and surrendered over 23:45 hours.

At that time he was arrested and transferred to the Santa Lucía Hospital of the town.

Witnesses of the event have claimed that at that time of the night he heard shots and saw how in the buildings of the area the neighbors went out the lights and closed the windows of their homes, while the people who were on the street fled into another area.

To the sanitary of 061 that moved to the place of the facts cost them to stabilize the injured in critical state, although they finally managed to do it and moved it to the same midnight hospital.

In his first investigations, the police aim that the cause of the shooting was an adjustment of accounts between traffickers.