“Thank you for your life and your smile, Álex ‘, has been one of the emotional phrases that the Offorian priest has quoted, Gerardo Solo, in a crowded Church of San Pedro Apostol de Lardero, at the farewell of the 9-year-old child killed in
The locality, last Thursday, October 28, 2021.

The Sardran temple was chaired by two great photos of the child, and balloons, during the funeral mass, in which the emotion has been one of the main adjectives that have defined it, especially when the uncle grandfather of Álex has taken the floor
, Gonzalo Martín, and one of his teachers, who have dedicated him a beautiful words, that they have finished with applause and tears in the eyes of all attendees.

They have accompanied the family and friends of the child, the president of the government of La Rioja, Concha Andreu, and the mayor of Lardero, Manuel Vallejo.

The excited priest, at the beginning, of the ceremony, has said it was difficult to assimilate the situation, then ask for a strong applause for the child, while pointing out it was “because we love you, Álex.”

Solo, in his homily, he has stood out that his family “has been lucky enough to kiss you, love you and enjoy your life”, and that thanks to you “we are better people,” he’s apostilled.

Next, he has taken the floor, on behalf of the family, his grandfather uncle that besides “thank” all those who have accompanied them, has indicated that Alex was a “laughing, cheerful and friend of his friends”, approaching
to one of his photos he has kissed.
Next, he has pointed out that “Álex has told me: I love you family, forever ever,” for those present to provide some applause affective.

To end the Funeral Mass, one of its teachers has intervened that has highlighted the usual reception of the child with “a smile from ear to ear”, also remembering how much Halloween liked and his monsters, to regret that who has finished with his
Life has been “a true monster”.

On Thursday, October 28, a man was arrested after the death of the child.
The facts occurred over 20.25 hours of this Thursday when a call was received through 112 manifesting the disappearance of the child, near Villa Patro.

In addition, and according to witnesses, they manifested how “a man took the child by deceiving.”

Subsequently, Civil Guard and Local Police de Lardero went to the place and, a few minutes, the Villamediana Civil Guard patrol gave notice and asked for an ambulance “by finding the child in a very serious and unconscious state along with a male”
Inside a locality portal.

Once the ambulance came to the place they tried to revive the younger without getting it, downtiving at the scene.
At this time.

After knowing the event, many neighbors of the town came to the vicinity of said Barrio de Lardero where the tension that grew every minute and, when allegedly the police car came from the place of the facts with the detainee inside,
They heard numerous insults and screams against the alleged murderer.

Finally, the work of the security forces and security bodies avoided more serious situations and the detainee left the garage of the building where the facts were produced in a police vehicle.

The detainee, Francisco Javier Almeida, now in the prison of Segovia, since Thursday, after decreing on Sunday, October 31, Jail, entering the first instance in Logroño, is 54 years old, and has background for sexual assault on
1993, by which he was sentenced to seven years in prison, and for murder and sexual assault, known as the “crime of the real estate ‘in August 1998, sentenced to 20 years and 10 years, respectively.