Consultation of the King, in directoEl King will convene the fourth election in four añosLas key dates of the face to 10-N

general Elections in the new, new rules. The repetition of the elections will be governed by the first time by the reform of the Electoral Law agreed to by the parties in 2016 for second calls to the polls, and brings about changes in the calendar, the public subsidies, the maximum expense allowed and the dissemination of surveys. All questions that the political parties will have to take into account when defining its strategy.

The novelties that will affect the formations are economic, since the parties will have to tighten the belt. The State will cut 30 per cent the subsidy to the election expenses of the parties, to promote campaigns more austere and to avoid the saturation of the citizenship. So, each party will get a 14.820 euros for each seat obtained in the Congress and the Senate , in front of the almost 21.200 received in the last election. For each vote obtained for the Congress will receive 56 cents instead of the 81 above, and for each vote received to the Senate credited to 22.4 cents compared to 32 in April.

to Prevent saturation of

Next to this measure enters into force another financial limit to ensure that the political parties do not fall in expenditure. It is the clipping of the maximum expense allowed to the half. And to avoid the issue of the citizenship, the time free of propaganda in the public media will be reduced to half. is Also reduced by 50 percent the maximum allowed to the parties in advertising installed in trade media, and even in the media.

Another important change in respect to elections, “normal” is the calendar. The reform of the GOEL reduced from 54 to 47 days for the duration of the electoral process and reduction also of fifteen to eight days of election campaign. This cut affects indirectly to the publication of opinion polls and election polls, since the same law prohibits the dissemination or reproduction during the five days prior to the vote, on this occasion, will be the main part of the campaign. The calendar campaign will be limited, therefore, to start the next day, November 1 and conclude on 8 November. The day 9 would be day of reflection and day 10 would place the new vote. For Spanish residents abroad there is good news since those who sought the vote in the April elections will not have to re-apply.

“Reach more people”

these recent developments, joined by another more to the margin of the reform: the entrance of Vox in the Congress. Its position as a force parliamentary relevant to give input to the president, Santiago Abascal , in the electoral debates that could organize among the five major candidates for president of the Government. So could be measured in television, face-to-face, with the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, and the presidents of the PP, Paul Married; Citizens, Albert Rivera; and the secretary general of we Can, Pablo Churches.

in Addition, the green party will be entitled to a subsidy for the political propaganda that you send by email . Two forms of advertising that was banned before the general elections of 28 of April, and yesterday the own Abascal considered as “an opportunity to reach out to more people.” A factor you are not taking the election polls that have been published up to now.