Netanyahu promises to the annexation of the Jordan Valley if it wins the elections,”Netanyahu will give us security,”Accuse Israel of placing devices from listening in Washington to spying on Trump

Israel comes after five months to the polls in an election that again become a referendum around the figure of Benjamin Netanyahu . The prime minister in functions, seeks revenge for the failure of April, when he won the election is very tight, but was unable to forge alliances that enable it to overcome the 61 seats needed to form government. The support of ultra-nationalists and religious was not enough. The surveys indicate that the picture can be similar and throw a new tie between the Likud and the coalition “Blue and White” led by the former Army chief Benny Gantz, so that everything would be in the air at the expense of the ability of each other to build alliances. In this phase, the role of political parties such as Yisrael Beitenu, the former minister of Defence, Avigdor Lieberman , can be of new key, and this puts at risk the political survival of Netanyahu’s since that was the political moldovan who will be left without a Government in April.

The prime minister at functions wants to win to meet a fifth term. its 69-year-old has already managed to overcome to David Ben Gurion as prime minister with more time in the office and their goal is to continue in the post. His campaign has been based on its ability to keep secure the country against the threat of Iran throughout the region, in their good personal relations and policies with Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin , who visited last week, and, in the final straight, in their promises to strengthen the occupation. In Israel there is no day of reflection and Netanyahu took on the eve of the elections to announce “the annexation of Kiryat Arba and the jewish community of Hebron “, a further step in a strategy of annexation, which extended also to the Valley of the Jordan, “but I need the mandate in order to execute this plan,” recalled the leader of the Likud party, who was also very active on social networks throughout the day.

Their words are orders in places of Jerusalem as the market of Mahane Yehuda, the most important of the holy city and a bastion of conservative. “Bibi (form loving to refer to Netanyahu is a good prime minister, the economy is good, security is good, all moderate arab countries are with us, Bibi meets when it wants to with Trump and goes up to Putin when he wants, Bibi is good for Israel,” says Abraham Levy , one of the tanagers mythical of the souk, whose store is unmistakable for the portrait in black-and-white of former prime minister of the Likud, Menahen Begin, on your main wall.

Moshe Fadida, a jew of moroccan origin, 53 years old, that sold spices, writes in a similar way and highlights “the enormous capacity of Bibi to get the arab countries to join with Israel against our common enemy: Iran. Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates rely more now of our fighters that the united States”. Fadida has placed a large picture of the politician along with a flag of Morocco and encourages their shoppers to vote Likud.

Encircled by the Justice

In the streets of the souk are not listening to talk of the cases of corruption that clouds the political future of Netanyahu. The prosecutor general of the country, Avichai Mandelblit , announced on February 28 his intention of imputing to you by bribe, fraud and breach of trust in three different cases, and the views could begin within a month. The leader of the Likud party is being investigated in the well-known case 1000, 2000 and 4000.

corruption is the main resource used by the opposition to attack the prime minister and Gantz has earned the nickname of “Mister Clean” for his reputation of being an upright person. “Under my government, the party ‘Blue and White’ will change the direction of the helm of the israeli State towards more democracy. Gone are the divisions to reign; on the contrary, you shall take quick actions to form a union government,” said the former Army chief, who said wanting to lead the country in “the interest of all israelis” and not “pressure groups”. Over and above differences in programme on key issues like the occupation, are the differences personal among the politicians who lead the direction of the vote. Netanyahu himself or Netanyahu would not, that is the question.